Example sentences of "may [not/n't] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 It 's a question of giving them help in areas where they may not traditionally have had expertise .
2 The publicity may not exactly have gone to his head but it certainly set fire to his ambition .
3 The worst mistake is to leave clothes near the patient when he is unattended : he may fall over if he tries to put them on by himself , as he may not yet have realized that he can not balance and move normally .
4 When trainees are allowed to begin interviewing on their own under supervision they have already been accepted as CAB trainee advice workers , but in the GLCABS structure where candidates begin by observing the interviewing process they may not yet have formally passed the selection procedure .
5 The birds and squirrels in my garden come for food as soon as they hear my whistle , even though the food may not yet have been put out for them .
6 Nevertheless , I think that the influence of Matisse is something which is far more elusive and may not yet have been expressed in painting .
7 Thus it is assumed that the attitude-holder might possess certain beliefs , whose content implicitly can be taken as a criticism of counter-stances , but these stances may not yet have been historically realized in argument .
8 Excuse me , Lord , but parts of your planet are poisoned , although you may not yet have discovered that fact for yourselves .
9 Fine dexterity may not yet have developed .
10 It is not unusual for a new Member to be welcomed , despite the fact that he may not yet have contributed to our proceedings .
11 It is vital that ways are found for archivists to have some input into provisional appraisal of records which may not yet have been created .
12 Secretary Jim McDowell says he will still consider players who may not yet have had the chance to come forward for consideration .
13 Though there is a good deal there which I found deeply offensive , he wrote , as you must have realized when you sent me the stuff , though , knowing you as I do , I suspect it may not even have crossed your mind , anyway , to be brief , I have , of course , put my feelings to one side and decided to honour the integrity of .
14 The cultural baggage which any social group , tribe , or institution such as the police acquires over time can thus be translated to reveal just what sustains it , and furthermore reveal what the society itself may not even have understood .
15 The ‘ I ’ describing conversations he has n't direct access to , which he was n't present at , which he may not even have been told about and so may be inventing , is the ‘ character ’ Dostoevsky has turned himself into for the purpose of narrating the provincial chronicle .
16 She praises the risk takers , wealth creators , people who are frequently from modest backgrounds and who may not even have been at a university .
17 In the candlelight it may not even have been observed .
18 Yet fellow members of a species can understand each other with the greatest of ease , while we may not even have the senses to perceive their communications to each other , let alone understand them .
19 O.K.W. subsequently claimed that German fighters had shot down seven Hurricanes without loss , yet strangely only three claims can be found for 7/JG 26 , one of which may not even have been confirmed .
20 He may not even have thought consciously of Palestine two thousand years ago as a very real place , precisely situated in space and time , subject to a confused welter of social , psychological , political , economic and religious factors — the same factors that operate in any ‘ real ’ locality , past or present .
21 You ca n't have an overdraft and you may not even have a bank account .
22 we may not even have loved them .
23 ‘ His phone calls to you may not even have been made from Geneva . ’
24 The minor mistake she may not even have made — for society 's judgment , not actual guilt , is what counts — is likely to dog her forever .
25 They may not even have a friend .
26 Some of those universities who do demand a dissertation may not deposit copies with the British Library , and may not even have a copy available for inter-library loan .
27 The authorities ' heavy-handed intervention showed just how sensitive they were to the question of the empire 's internal diversity , for the Brotherhood 's goals were in fact much less radical than St Petersburg supposed and Shevchenko and Kulish may not even have been members .
28 Probably in this case ( as in many others ) the parties and their lawyers were not familiar with the distinction and were just confused , and may not even have realised that there is a distinction .
29 I think the most important thing is to make clear , I 'm hoping to make clear somewhere that next year this council will have a members allowance budget which is one and a half percent more than this year , at the maximum , and it may not even have that I 'm not certain that we 've agreed that with the policy committee , I do n't know if anybody knows if we have
30 However they 're quick to point out that these are early days and they may not even have the right gene .
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