Example sentences of "may [not/n't] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You may not choose undergravel filtration .
2 But Mr Bond was vague on details , because the rules of the race are that once a boat has started , it may not make contact except with officials until the event is over .
3 We may not expect consumer behaviour , right , to be the same at all prices and quantities basically but er , nevertheless , you will probably see more linear demand curves than nonlinear ones because they are somewhat simpler .
4 They have not chosen the new family and they may not feel love or even liking for the new partner .
5 ‘ Let's face it — he may not want help of any sort .
6 Glowing report may not avert closure of Dutch primate centre
7 You may not drink alcohol on ES premises unless authorised by your manager in special circumstances , for example , office parties .
8 They may not reach maturity for several years .
9 An even lower profile is provided by teachers who may not set foot in the classroom at all but who may spend considerable periods of time in discussion with colleagues on ways in which the curriculum can be made more accessible to all children in the class , including the least able .
10 Some of these regulations may not promote efficiency but be justified on paternalistic grounds : workers are held not to be the best judges of their own interests and so are prevented by law from taking risks they would voluntarily undertake for money .
11 Later writers , even those sympathetic to Antal 's thesis , have admitted that the argument about class conflict in the period was exaggerated , but this does not exclude the possibility that an equally unexpected approach may not throw light on some apparently exhausted topic .
12 To avoid interrupting the user while engaged in some other activity ( which may or may not involve LIFESPAN ) , each user 's mail is accumulated until it is convenient for the user to inspect and/or print the messages .
13 The obligation does not extend , however , to cover all information which is given to or required by the employee while in his employment , and in particular may not cover information which is only " confidential " in the sense that an unauthorised disclosure of such information to a third party while the employment subsisted would be a clear breach of the duty of good faith .
14 The local variation may not represent information at all for , as Figure 5. 14 clearly shows , some high-frequency noise in the form of horizontal scan line patterns may be present on an image , distracting the user and rendering him or her less capable of recognizing underlying trends .
15 This may not do justice to the proper degree of personal and professional self-regard which is expected of a head .
16 They consist in increments of information , which may or may not modify attitudes which may or may not modify behaviour ’ .
17 Seleskovitch ( 1978 ) perhaps encompasses both Namy and Pergnier in what she terms the ‘ keyhole ’ principle : the fact that language meaning through translation may not convey message meaning and the corollary that message meaning is expressed through different salient characteristics .
18 The strongest wish may not effect communication and , conversely , communication can occur when there is every intention of preventing it ( as in a bridge tournament ) .
19 ( Standard systemic chemotherapy may not prevent progression of skeletal disease in myeloma . )
20 There are several reasons why variation in daily reproductive success may not reflect variation in either seasonal or lifetime success .
21 But this time lag , combined with dilution by water already in the aquifer , means that if a pollutant enters the ground , it may not affect water supplies for many years .
22 It could so happen that slight bile acid malabsorption may or may not affect bile acid synthesis .
23 Furthermore , although smoking habits can be modified , this may not affect ulcer healing since the healing rate in ex-smokers was comparable with that in patients who continued to smoke .
24 Where fees are based on time charges the effect of programme delay may not influence cash flow , unless the stages at which accounts can be rendered are linked to progress points .
25 When people have enough resources in their lives — psychological , financial , or decision-making power — they can cope with these demands and may not suffer ill-health effects .
26 Silk Slippers may not enable Sangster to challenge the Arab supremacy , but an English Classic success after a five-year gap would come like manna from heaven .
27 We also agree that even effective treatment may not bring benefit in all cases of localised cancer because of competing causes of death and the slow rate of progression of disease in some cases .
28 These covenants may be : ( a ) absolute — where the tenant agrees not to assign or sublet at all ; or ( b ) qualified — where the tenant may only assign or sublet with the consent of the landlord ; or ( c ) fully qualified — as in ( b ) but the landlord may not withhold consent unreasonably .
29 A party may not adduce evidence arising out of an examination or assessment carried out without leave unless the court specifically permits this ( FPCR , r18(3) ; FPR , r4.18(3) ) .
30 They must be taught through benevolence and sympathy ; when the necessity arises shame may be used , but fear only in the last extremity , and then ‘ with such delicacy that if possible the habit may not gather strength by the use you are constrained to make of it ’ .
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