Example sentences of "may not be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Republicanism may not be rampant yet , but the Duchess of York 's indiscretions and the Prince and Princess of Wales 's separation have certainly made it more respectable .
2 If the brand name is standardised worldwide in English it may be found to have an unfavourable meaning in some countries , or it may not be pronounceable in other countries that lack certain letters of the alphabet .
3 ( But even they may not be accurate : census-takers last year reported that , in some areas , they found it hard to get people to fill in their forms , because they thought the census had some connection with poll tax .
4 Instead , I propose that the independent scrutineer should be allowed such access on behalf of any union members who are concerned that the list may not be accurate .
5 Erm , the person is perceived and and and the perception may not be accurate .
6 But I have included some literary and non-fiction works of note , even though their sales may not be vast .
7 That may not be real but it was certainly my perception and it is the perception that counts .
8 It may temporarily enhance production but may not be real progress in the second language .
9 If you need statistics to demonstrate an effect , they argue , it may not be real , and anyhow can not be important .
10 It may not be certain , as Ken Landon says , that Ho and Co will succeed in setting up a Communist State if they get rid of the French , but let me suggest that from the stand-point of the security of the US , it is one hell of a big chance to take .
11 Finally the position of the mouth of the river at all stages may not be known so that we may not be certain of which stretch of the former river we are dealing with .
12 May or may not be soluble .
13 Your Route Seventeen Account may not be overdrawn .
14 It may not be coincidental that two of the long survivors with very low CD4 counts were also the oldest patients in the study , and it remains possible that the genetic background or immune changes responsible for AIDS related sclerosing cholangitis are , with increasing age , more likely to indicate a good prognosis independently of the CD4 count .
15 ( A slot meter may not be practical , for example , with a gas central heating boiler which goes out every time the money runs out and needs to be re-lit when more money is put in the meter .
16 Developing specific goals to implement your objectives is not necessary and may not be practical at this point , but you will need to do that eventually .
17 This may not be practical when dealing with foreign intermediaries .
18 As Dahrendorf perceptively writes , there ‘ may not be official ‘ no-go ’ areas for the police in our cities , but there certainly are such areas for the rest of us ’ .
19 Where the rivers have flowed transverse to the structure rias formed in them will have a much more irregular plan : the main arm of the ria may not be straight and it may possess branches developed along weaker beds followed by the courses of previous subsequent streams .
20 The tubes may not be straight , but one does not have enough information to assign any other shape to them .
21 But rats sent into space by Wesley Hymer of Pennsylvania State University showed that readapting , whether on Mars or back on Earth , may not be straightforward .
22 The integration of children with physical handicaps into secondary schools may not be new , but the issue being considered here is the process of whole school staff development .
23 What Terri Hooley , Dave Sinton and Johnny Hero have discovered may not be new but it 's potentially revolutionary .
24 Okay , the plot of defeat the evil baddies ' may not be new but the release of a high quality platform game on the PC is .
25 The idea may not be new , but the management of it is .
26 The dangers of long exposure to fluorescent lighting and video screens are only now beginning to be appreciated , and the 50 Hz frequency of domestic electric-ring circuits may not be good news either .
27 Traffic may not be good . ’
28 The main concern , however , is an overriding apprehension that what 's good for Netware may not be good for Unix .
29 He said , ‘ What 's good for NetWare may not be good for Unix … ( and ) Novell has no compelling reason to keep paying for the fuel that burns in the Unix flame . ’
30 Scholars who are good at knowing where to look for the sources of their subject matter may not be good at knowing where to look for suitable software .
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