Example sentences of "may be another [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Now this may be another way of solving problem .
2 ‘ As to that , ’ answered her spouse , pushing her inexorably towards the waiting gig , ‘ there may be another way to go to work .
3 Multiple biopsies may be another way to show evidence of FAP ( microadenomata ) , but this will add to the risk of the procedure and a negative result may still not allow total reassurance .
4 However , there may be another implication echoing the age-old drive of women to use the night for expressing a forceful , magical side of nature which the social customs of day prohibit .
5 There may be another problem which is manifesting itself by making the gearbox chatter such as an out of balance engine or faulty gearbox mountings .
6 ‘ Difficulty in expectoration ’ may be another problem .
7 Underwriting may be another problem .
8 But , as Heseltine 's private secretary , the highly regarded Ministry of Defence official Richard Mottram , put it during the trial of Clive Ponting , ‘ In highly-charged political matters , one person 's ambiguity may be another person 's truth . ’
9 One person 's point of believing may be another person 's point of doubting ; there is no one who does not have some faith .
10 One person 's meat may be another person 's poison .
11 The reason I have chosen these two books for a comparison is because I always prefer to read books that are either true or close to reality as they bring out more emotions in my reading and at leat I know my feelings towards certain situations in the books have been felt by someone before , whether it may be another reader or the character himself , but in more depth .
12 This may be another example of the human species claiming too much for itself , but the moral point remains .
13 The Tertiary " Wildflysch " of Switzerland may be another example .
14 This may be another target for a campaign .
15 If you have not taught a Special Needs class why not come along and find out about it this may be another avenue of teaching for you .
16 They have also been known to attack their own reflection in a mirror , so the sight of an imagined owl in the water may be another motive for diving into a trough .
17 Drug , anti-drug legislation may be another thing .
18 Arrhythmias may be another manifestation of myocardial reperfusion injury .
19 Friends , families and members of the community may be another source for photographs of the last 50 years or so .
20 This may be another reason for the adverse effects on some people of foods grown by current commercial agricultural methods .
21 ( It may , occasionally be produced by a freelance team working outside the agency , and this may be another reason why you do not meet the creative group .
22 The former Labour Party leader , Michael Foot , suggests that there may be another reason :
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