Example sentences of "may be [that] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One reason why we find it so hard to understand the development of form may be that we do not make machines that develop : often , we understand biological phenomena only when we have invented machines with similar properties .
2 It may be that we can only find true humility through humiliation .
3 There have been frequent and major set-backs ; and it may be that we are now on the threshold of a new era , in which , for the first time , leaders in society will make a conscious decision to allow the flood-waters in some areas to rise again .
4 The other development officer predicted making considerable use of volunteers as well as paid carers : ‘ it may be that we have two types of carer , an informal unpaid visiting service , and then the regular paid carers ’ .
5 It may be that we secretly admire those who attempt to ‘ beat the system ’ , and that we sympathise with the underdog .
6 It may be that we are becoming a more ‘ criminal ’ nation as the increase in crime rates would suggest , but this can not just be assumed and it is important to be aware of other possible reasons for such an increase .
7 It may be that we need to offer love , support and encouragement rather than using anger to force a child into what we believe they should or should not do .
8 It may be that we can learn from computers something of what we have been missing in the game ; or , that chess is so rich , that only a symbiosis between man and machine can explore it adequately .
9 It is reasonable to assume that ancient people were sensitive to the reality of these other levels of existence , living their lives accordingly , and it may be that we should look to this awareness as the origin of much folklore .
10 It may be that we have upset someone and a rift exists .
11 It may be that we felt this time we ought to have voted Labour , that this was the more altruistic , moral , even noble , choice .
12 In a letter to his congregation he said : ‘ It may be that we have no influence on those who plan and carry out murders in both parts of our community , but we can all help create a climate of opinion where they will be increasingly isolated and disowned . ’
13 At the moment , it does n't seem to be working and it may be that we can never return this owl to the wild — it certainly would n't survive as it is .
14 It may be that we could not have had the best of Connors without the worst of him . ’
15 It may be that we need to experiment with permanence units , some of which will specialise in achieving permanence through the return to natural families , and others in achieving permanence by placement with new families , and also having units which combine the two functions .
16 It may be that we can seek help from what to some of my readers might seem an unlikely source .
17 On the other hand it may be that we are not cost-effective .
18 It may be that we must wait until all has been answered before hoping for enlightenment .
19 He did not say what it was but it may be that we found it in the safe this morning .
20 But may be that we had a description , want to get the description out to as many people as possible , to see if anybody recognizes the person described , er then we 'd come to you there , give you the description of the
21 The suggestion I 've had is that we have got held in the budgets erm land acquisition , I mean it may be that we actually pool this the , the new land acquisition after the centenary , which might be erm a way of recognizing the centenary of the , of the parish council .
22 Indeed , the most potent argument against it may be that we know only too well how protectionism contributed to the great depression of the 1930s .
23 Now , you , you 're , that 's a subjective feeling , you do n't actually know that there are neurones in your blood sugar level , but you , you certainly know when you need something to eat and it , it 's a kind of subjective feeling and it 's not farfetched in the least to claim that our genes have rigged our brain in that way to do that because obviously we 'd like to have more reproductive success if you know when you 're hungry than when you do n't and it may be that a lot of , in a lot of other ways genes affect our , our behaviour through similar erm effects , that is subjective feelings we have , often of an emotional nature to make us want to do certain things and an an and dislike doing others , and it may be that we , we 're really kind of lumbered with that .
24 be , it may be that we need to get over to the States , to , to , erm pick up the technical vibes from there , but is the state , er our people in the States are n't in with .
25 Erm but taking a very broad approach to it it may be that we can suggest to the receivers of that erm taking the inconvenience , the extra cost and so on , roughly say half of that account erm
26 It may be that we do n't have to use all of that .
27 ‘ It may be that we are going to need to use some of the homes which are to close . ’
28 ‘ If there is anything we can do at the dams , it may be that we can raise their levels by even two or three inches , but that has implications for the surrounding countryside . ’
29 Because er as I say erm if the opportunity came along and er given the unemployment problems in the borough erm it may be that we would wish to take that opportunity .
30 We know more about Milton , his personal concerns and his literary plans than we do about any other poet of his time , and indeed it may be that we have to come right up to the nineteenth century before we learn so much about the inner life of any poet .
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