Example sentences of "may [verb] taken [art] " in BNC.

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1 And he may have taken a drink or two to steady his nerves .
2 So there was the swings and roundabouts where had they not recognized and had come along with us , to the extent that we thought we could do our , a sharing objective er and it brought them out of the , the attitude that was hitherto adopted where well management really could n't care very much you know , if a man did suffer the loss of er five pound a week or whatever you know , and , and once it was made clear to him that there was no further er er use of the procedure and he could take it through his district you know , if he liked , the man did n't , well on exceptional cases perhaps they may have taken a case through , but er in the majority of cases the man just accepted it , and made up his losses er er later on .
3 The reader will probably object that a hideous primal trauma of parricide and rape is all very well for purposes of explaining the subsequent guilt and neurotic inhibitions of the perpetrators of these ghastly crimes , but can hardly hope to explain how they succeeded in transmitting their new-found superegos to their children , and certainly will not explain how , when all the primal fathers were gone ( a process which may have taken a considerable period of time admittedly , but which must have happened eventually ) , when there were no more primal parricides to be procured , human societies could still construct their civilization on the acquisition of the superego .
4 As far as the marine conservation society is concerned , the tragedy is that it may have taken an ecological disaster to finally make people listen .
5 As many as 70% of winter visitors may have taken the discount .
6 It may have taken the prospect of mortality to bring Dr Johnson 's faculties to order , but penury seems to have done the job nicely among the nation 's museum personnel .
7 ‘ Then she may have taken the poison for one of the spices .
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