Example sentences of "very [adj] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If we believe that the child should be placed transracially as an alternative to institutional care , then social workers must resist the massive denial or evasion of the negative consequences of some transracial placements for black children when the substitute parents have not been prepared or perhaps are very unsuitable to care for a black child .
2 However , the journeys of smolts and mature salmon are often separated by several months , and so the smolts ' odour would have to be very persistent to act as a guide .
3 ‘ I was so very sorry to hear of his early death . ’
4 A spokesman for Imperial Tobacco said : ‘ We are very sorry to hear of Mr McTear 's death .
5 I was very sorry to hear of your father 's death , and would like to offer my sincere sympathy .
6 ‘ I was depressed , and when they arrived at my house and said , ‘ We 're very sorry to hear about your husband ’ , I believed they were genuine and let them in .
7 ‘ I was very sorry to hear about your husband , Mrs Ward , ’ Langton said , closing the door of his office and ushering them towards two chairs .
8 Because you 're not , because you 're inside a lot , you do n't have to go out every day , you do n't , you do n't have anything very specific to do at different times during the day .
9 This has very little to do with the quality and entertainment value of the films themselves .
10 Politics has very little to do with issues ; it is all to do with the personal vanities and ambitions of politicians .
11 A Conservative government had emerged that the Liberty and Property Defence League could well have called its own , but as a consequence it was a government that had very little to do with Conservatism .
12 I can quite honestly say that it is ages since I have had an evening of such delight ; and the personal interest of reading a friend 's work had very little to do with it .
13 It seems to me that there are a number of satellites ( labels like 4AD , Mute , Factory , Play it Again Sam , Product Inc , Blast First , plus various hip hop , house and electro producers whose work has very little to do with the human ) , satellites bound to Planet Pop by some kind of gravitational attraction , yet estranged by the nature of their practices ( the lost spirit of ‘ 67 and ‘ 79 ) .
14 It has very little to do with her life , and they would be bizarre parents or catechetists who really wanted the girls in their charge to emulate Rose of Lima in any very direct way .
15 The truths that are recognized after marriage have very little to do with chamber pots .
16 The space they have to grow in seems to have very little to do with the size they can achieve .
17 The comprehensive and pervasive nature of planning makes it easy to forget that it has very little to do with private rights and restrictions .
18 Thus , the criteria used in planning decisions at the local level may have very little to do with national ideology .
19 Much of it has very little to do with what you are , and that is an emotion I have always felt and will always feel .
20 The weakening effect of the scratch has very little to do with the amount of material removed , a shallow scratch will do nearly as well as a deep one , it is the sharpness of the re-entrant that increases the stress .
21 Cornwell reports that the men in her study have very little to do with their own families and even less with their wife 's kin .
22 Thus , twenty years ago , and already bemoaning what had happened in ‘ the last twenty years ’ , the BMA was to be found rehearsing the familiar diagnoses of the ‘ new ’ youth problem — most of which appeared to have very little to do with medical science .
23 This , as will be seen , can be achieved through methods that have very little to do with the linguistic notion of semantics but much to do with the empirical processing of text-based knowledge sources .
24 My doctor had also prepared a report for the judge , about various medical problems which I hoped might be taken into consideration , along with the fact that I had for some time been re-building my life and now had very little to do with the lifestyle that brought me into contact with drugs .
25 ‘ God had very little to do with it , Mr Merrick , ’ Nicholson added .
26 But , in the language of social anthropology , " kinship " has very little to do with biology ; it refers rather to a widely ramifying pattern of named relationships which link together the individual members of a social system in a network .
27 Britain 's recent balance-of-payments problems have to date had very little to do with the general level of world demand and almost everything to do with the ability of foreign companies to introduce their products into the country at competitive prices .
28 ‘ Daring had very little to do with it .
29 ‘ Something that 's got very little to do with goodness , ’ he grunted .
30 The only memory upgrade that you have performed is to add expanded memory and this has very little to do with the operating system you are using .
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