Example sentences of "very [adj] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I think it 's very undesirable that it should be seen as an issue of women versus men , because the chances of getting anywhere are reduced if it 's set up in that way .
2 ‘ Certainly we thought it was very strange that our jet was the only plane at Kuwait airport that night and we were the only passengers .
3 But it 's very strange that I started to masturbate , night and morning , after that .
4 How very strange that I should never have seen that .
5 It was very strange that she did n't mind too much what her parents thought , or even Georg , but Uncle Willi so loved his pre-production party , and this year was really excited about it , that she just could n't let him down .
6 It is when morale is very low that we find it difficult to cope with the problems and difficulties of life , and when counselling can become vitally important .
7 But it was very premature , and I 'm very I was very sorry that they 'd taken this step , but very , very pleased when I saw the result coming out , and I 'm do congratulate them on their common sense there that they were prepared to put the opting out aside and were looking seriously and sensibly into the tertiary college consultations .
8 I felt very sorry that someone who was a partly trained civil engineer should have to waste his time sweeping floors and doing other such menial tasks , but that 's how it was — he was one of the unlucky ones — or should I say lucky ?
9 I am very sorry that I will not be able to attend the concert at which my hon. Friend will be singing .
10 ‘ I 'm really very sorry that I had to leave you with my mother .
11 I 'm very sorry that as soon as I have finished this welcome this morning that I have got to leave you , and I am very sorry that I shall not be able to return this evening for your dinner which I would originally look forward very much to but I trust that you will enjoy the company of the Chairman of our Environmental Services Committee , Councillor Robin Draga , who is attending on my behalf .
12 Ludens had found space and time , amid his new sensations , to feel very sorry that he had not gone to see Franca when she had , so unusually , as he realised just afterwards , invited him .
13 ‘ Duke Michael is very sorry that he ca n't welcome you himself , ’ explained Rupert of Hentzau .
14 Dear Steve Racist Liar Prat , your theft of my copyrights and your brief ‘ celebration ’ of your ‘ scoop ’ , which you paraded to your fellow racist crooks at my expense , has been noted and you shall be , believe me , very sorry that you sought to persist in gloating in your backward , immoral capacity to confect racist lies on the assumption that I shall not be able to retaliate in kind .
15 And that nigger bloke comes in who does the ten o'clock news he goes to all these people who live in Essex , we 're very sorry that you have to take up this very abusive language and this sort of shit .
16 Mary is very sorry that she has to put off coming to dinner tonight They are not sure about getting a baby-sitter .
17 I thought that it was very polite that we should go there in the evening and assess for ourselves exactly the harm th the possible harm that it could do to their gardens at the back and and that 's why we did that .
18 They were all very heartened that someone was at last taking an interest : I only wish I had had a tape recorder !
19 … it was very odd that they got the money in the first place … however they had thought a great deal and had a viable project … and may be a certain amount of guilt .
20 It seems it seems very odd that it 's running parallel basically with the Robin Hood line .
21 How very odd that she could not see the source of the light , but could see the light itself .
22 Very odd that he sold Kerslake eh ?
23 The discussions at the end of each lecture were animated and sometimes a little heated , for Hindu students , Muslims and Buddhists were a little critical at having to attend any Christian lecture and were very emphatic that they much preferred their own religion to that of Christianity .
24 Ma Pwa Sein , the stalwart headmistress of St Mary 's , Kemmendine , which had transferred to the Delta at the outbreak of war , was very emphatic that we should not fall into the hands of the Japanese .
25 And do you erm thought it at least very possible that there was someone with a gun the other side of the door .
26 I si think it 's very possible that he would n't have erm died under today 's
27 But as I 've already told you just , it was very ironical that I should l go back down the hole in er Germany again .
28 And very upset that she looked so awful because we always thought she looked so lovely .
29 Dad was very upset that she had n't confided in us .
30 We were just very grateful that it was taking place . ’
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