Example sentences of "new [noun sg] it [is] " in BNC.

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1 With a new guitar it 's like , ‘ Well , it 's a new guitar and it works . ’
2 I do n't agree with this new elitism it 's what in your mind that counts , you should n't deny anyone anything . ’
3 Speaking broadly , we may say that in the Roman church it is regarded as presumption , in the Protestant churches it is a privilege or a duty , but in the New Testament it is simply a fact .
4 In the New Testament it is Paul who develops the concept of salvation in terms of justification .
5 ( b ) Counternotices Where the initiator of the review is required to specify the proposed new rent it is sometimes provided that the figure so specified shall be the new rent unless the other party serves a counternotice within a given period .
6 Upon the introduction of a new institution it is commonplace for analogies to be drawn with existing institutions .
7 I ai n't no building them just to get all out and up done , I mean the programme now looks crowded , but when you look at the new programme it 's just full , there 's nowhere else and no more room in them boxes to write my instead of one every two , three months , there 's four and five every month starts something
8 Without changing its movements , it now becomes the ‘ giant paw ’ of a huge cat — in this new role it is suddenly threatening and the animal responds appropriately with a defensive reaction .
9 ‘ If you start with a new house and new furniture it is usually about five years before anybody can get asthma in that house : it takes that time for the mite dung deposits to build up .
10 You must get , you must hear that new song it 's really good .
11 However the constraints are such that without new legislation it is extremely unlikely that this is an option open to the Catholic sector .
12 versus the old , it can be looked as communism because it 's a new thing it 's being
13 Everybody knows — including I think members of the Council from all three political groups — everybody knows that we 've got increasing numbers of elderly people , we 've got increasing numbers of disabled and mentally ill people in the community , and if there is one service , and I know there are others , but if there is one service that needs constant new growth it 's Social Services , and that 's not me empire building or anything like that , that 's me simply saying in straight managerial terms there are forces which require us to increase the Social Services budget .
14 However for the new effort it is seeking out three types of indirect channel : simple resellers for the adaptor boards and a mixture of systems integrators and US OEM partners for the software side .
15 Ehm is a it is n't actually a a erm a new school it 's Birchwood High School it used to be Margaret Dane which has been established a few years but Birchwood just been started for a year erm it has is some information but obviously there have n't been any feedback from the school so I starts there .
16 As each servo may consume up to 1A when driving to a new position it is important that the supply has a very low output impedance and NiCad batteries are usually recommended for multi-servo systems .
17 I was just going to say , I think what you say on full employment , erm , elsewhere they 're keeping wages and pay up is n't it , erm , and I 've known a couple in Telford again , that there 's work there , a new company it 's perfectly easy to take on all the good skilled labour they want , then they say they feel they 're very guilty because they 're poaching it from across the road , the British company has probably been two wages so that the jobs , it does mount up , so I do n't , I , I would like to know more about erm , what the low pay unit would really do to help us , and I look at this eight thousand two hundred and eighty pounds , and I think that would go an awful long way in the Mr Chairman , in helping to keep that going , which creates all the people who leave and get jobs , and good jobs , and get skills , and erm , I , I , it may be if there 's going to be a big budget , eight thousand pounds is not very much , but I , but when you think an individual project like that of course , any sort of traineeship , it 's a lot of money .
18 Before choosing a new location it is necessary to draw up a list of all the company 's requirements and objectives .
19 From Nirex 's new timetable it is clear that the lab has very little to do with rigorous scientific investigation and everything to do with pulling the wool over the eyes of [ local ] people . "
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