Example sentences of "first and [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The inquiry was ordered into the Glasgow Paddock Selling Hurdle on December 12 , 1987 after allegations of interference by the riders of the first and second horses .
2 This section describes the approach taken in the UGIX project , through first and second generation implementations .
3 He recognised that many of the first and second generation of industrial urbanites were morally and socially disorientated — in a state of anomie or normlessness ( a sort of perpetual culture shock ) .
4 Most first and second generation computers had such an instruction to stop the computer , the instruction sometimes containing a store address at which execution was to be resumed upon suitable manual intervention .
5 Another criticism of this study is that the authors only differentiated very generally between first and second generation Asian and Afro-Caribbeans without discussing the implications of mixing them together in the study , potentially masking important differences in the rates of schizophrenia between the two , and leaving an unclear picture as to whether second generation Asians , who were in the minority , benefited in the same way from the postulated protective factors .
6 As a result there has always been a clan spirit which has kept the 600,000 first and second generation pied noirs together .
7 The report recommends that First and Second Division clubs have all-seat grounds by August 1994 and Third and Fourth Division clubs by August 1999 .
8 Mr Major has said privately that he does not believe it is necessary to follow the Taylor recommendations to the letter , but he will insist that the changes are made for First and Second Division clubs .
9 The majority of first and second division football clubs deal with transfer fees through the p&l account ; only Tottenham Hotspur and Portsmouth put their players on the balance sheet .
10 The survey is based on the latest published accounts of all first and second division clubs .
11 But the game clashes with a full programme of Premier , First and Second Division matches in Scotland .
12 But this notion — that one set of activities is serious and therefore by implication another set must be non-serious — is a naive view , for it presupposes that first and second order experiences operate within the same frame and are therefore amenable to comparison .
13 Labour demand is denoted generally by where N denotes the number of workers demanded , w is the wage rate , and the subscripts are the usual notation for the first and second order derivatives .
14 So the payment increased on average by 75% between the first and the second repetition , while the group payments rose from 93% to 108% ( of an individual payment ) between the first and second repetition clear evidence of a learning effect and slight evidence of a group effect .
15 To a significant extent ( witness our results on payment increases between the first and second repetition ) they were successful .
16 There were no significant differences in the mean albumin concentrations between the first and second visits and the first and third visits .
17 In the 1950s and 1960s the movement of women into the work-force , or its anticipation , appears to have accelerated the pace of childbearing temporarily , especially of first and second births , reinforcing the positive economic effect through men 's income ( ni Bhrölchain 1986a , 1986b ) .
18 That year was the high point of the concentration of marital fertility on first and second births .
19 Besides the Foundation stories , Asimov 's best known book was probably his second , I , Robot ( 1950 ) , in which he promulgated three unalterable ‘ Laws of Robotics ’ — first , that a robot may not harm a human being , or , through inaction , allow a human being to come to harm ; secondly , that a robot must obey the orders of a human being , except when this would conflict with the first law ; and thirdly , that a robot must protect itself , except when this would conflict with the first and second laws .
20 The author does well to illustrate by quotation from the Philosophie Zoologique Lamarck 's own conception of Lamarckism — and it is interesting that Lamarck 's first and second laws are by no means incompatible with Darwinism .
21 The Court of Appeal dismissed the first and second defendants ' appeal against Mr Justice Vinelott 's order that the defendants permit the plaintiff 's solicitors to inspect and take copies of an affidavit in the possession of the defendants ' solicitors .
22 Pearce v Foster indicated why it was that if the original affidavit or a copy made by the employee had been sent to the solicitors , that would not have been privileged from disclosure by the first and second defendants , although sent to the solicitors for the purpose of advising them on their position against the employee .
23 By their statement of claim the council claimed , inter alia , ( i ) that the council was the county council for Derbyshire and pursuant to statute was responsible for a wide range of governmental and administrative functions in Derbyshire , and in particular the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( ii ) that in those issues of ‘ The Sunday Times ’ the third and fourth defendants falsely and maliciously wrote and the first and second defendants falsely and maliciously printed and published , or caused to be written , printed or published of and concerning the council and of and concerning the council in the way of its discharge of its responsibility for the investment and control of the superannuation fund ; ( iii ) by reason of the words published in the articles the council had been injured in its credit and reputation and had been brought into public scandal , odium and contempt , and had suffered loss and damage .
24 Paragraph 6 of the council 's statement of claim asserts that in the issue of ‘ The Sunday Times ’ for 17 September the third and fourth defendants wrote , and the first and second defendants published :
25 In 1988 the second plaintiff company , then in the control of the first and second defendants , entered into a contract with a health authority for the supply of computer services .
26 In proceedings against , inter alios , the first and second defendants for damages for fraud and breach of trust the plaintiffs obtained , from Buckley J. , an order ex parte requiring both defendants to disclose information relating to dealings with certain assets and to produce copies of documents in respect of such dealings .
27 In an action by the plaintiffs against various defendants , including the first and second defendants , Arthur Hugh Tully and his wife , Margaret McConnell Tully , Buckley J. on 5 June 1991 granted the plaintiffs ex parte injunctive relief requiring Mr. and Mrs. Tully , inter alia , to disclose all dealings relating to certain moneys referred to in a schedule to the order and all sums and assets representing or derived from such moneys , and to exhibit copies of all documents which related to the receipt or transfer of dealing with all such assets .
28 The first and second defendants , husband and wife , agreed to execute a second mortgage of their matrimonial home as security for overdraft facilities extended by the plaintiff bank to a company in which the husband , but not the wife , had an interest .
29 By a summons in the county court the plaintiffs , Barclays Bank Plc. , claimed against the first and second defendants , Nicholas Edward O'Brien and Bridget Mary O'Brien , possession of a dwelling house comprised in a legal charge dated 3 July 1987 .
30 The S.I.B. , acting under powers conferred by the Financial Services Act 1986 , brought an action against the first and second defendants , two overseas companies , as persons who , not being authorised , carried on investment business in the United Kingdom and caused investors loss .
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