Example sentences of "first [subord] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The first where the client does not require any reference at all to KPMG in the advertisement ; the second where the advertisement refers to KPMG .
2 The killing is repeated on ritual occasions , perhaps at first because the protection the totem gives them is not enough , or because they need to band together again to re-enact the crime which binds them all together , although they use a surrogate for the crime , not the actual father again .
3 This second problem is more dangerous than the first because the user may not realize that information is missing .
4 First because the behaviour of many of the marchers is in the worst traditions of bigotry , drunkenness and loutishness .
5 ‘ It 's academic , ’ Mr Wilson said , ‘ first because the claim has no substance as far as we 're concerned , and second , because even if it has , we have n't got $8bn .
6 The sixth round was the longest to date and the first since the election of a new Labour government in Israel in June [ see p. 38945-47 ] .
7 The impending general election was the first since the launch of the opposition Democratic Party of the Left ( PDS — formerly the Communist Party ) [ see p. 37785-86 ] , the consequent foundation of the Communist Refoundation Party ( PRC ) [ see p. 38689 ] , and the rise of a number of regional autonomy parties [ see p. 38021 ] which had scored important successes in local elections .
8 The meeting of the chiefs of staff committee in Moscow was the first since the agreement on the structure of the CIS high command , which had been concluded by heads of state at their Moscow summit meeting on July 6 [ see pp. 39017-18 ] .
9 The amendment — the first since the Constitution was adopted in 1978 — would allow EC citizens to stand in municipal elections .
10 In the Land elections in Bavaria on Oct. 14 , the first since the death on Oct. 3 , 1988 , of the CSU 's charismatic leader Franz-Josef Strauss [ see p. 36496 ] , the CSU maintained its absolute majority .
11 Most professionals working with the deaf have had the experience of receiving letters from deaf people which need to be signed in BSL first before the meaning is apparent .
12 I agree wholeheartedly , with what we were saying , what we do n't want to see is a whole one house block in the countryside , he wants to see it as part of a farmstead and order to prove that it 's going to be part of a farmstead , the buildings should be prerequisite to go up first before the house does .
13 However , the case of R v South Glamorgan Appeals Committee ex parte Evans ( 1984 ) showed that when looking at individual claims for a school place , it was necessary for an appeal committee to determine first whether the admission of one further child would prejudice efficient education at the school ( with the onus on the LEA to show that it would ) : if they concluded that it would not , they would have to allow the appeal .
14 ‘ It is convenient to consider first whether the judge was correct in holding that the husband , whatever else he may have done , was not acting as agent for the bank for the purposes of procuring the signature of the wife to the charge .
15 The former get warm first when the system is switched on from cold .
16 However , it was a D. Davidson that I rang first as the address was familiar .
17 First as the flow of blood is reduced the change in blood supply may produce a slight tingling sensation in this muscle group .
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