Example sentences of "people who [vb base] into " in BNC.

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1 What has happened over the course of this century has been an improvement in people 's states of fitness at particular ages so that whereas at the beginning of the century people in their sixties were regarded as being old , it is clear that people who survive into their sixties are now mainly , as is described below , generally quite fit .
2 Robert Gifford , recruitment officer for the National Union of Teachers , has devised his own ‘ teacher photofits ’ of five types of people who go into teaching .
3 I am grateful for my hon. Friend 's second point , because it is not yet widely understood by the three quarters of people who go into retirement with savings of their own that , as they approach retirement , their ability to build up those savings would be subject to a 9 per cent .
4 We must remember that 300,000 people who go into jobcentres find a job within a month .
5 It seems to me that it ought to be our policy that we ought to try and locate people who go into these sorts of residencies as close to the people who will be concerned for their welfare as possible erm and that therefore there would be a strong case for making that sort of exception in those cases .
6 This is a very important way of handling statistics , is n't it , in a sense , I mean , if you 're talking about , in another context , if you talk about recidivism , and , and you say forty percent of people who go into prison reoffend within the following five years , that 's the down side , or you could say sixty percent do n't , or sixty percent keep out , and it 's all a question of how you actually phrase it .
7 Nick Lord , a debt counsellor with the Money Advice Unit of the Citizens ' Advice Bureau in Croydon , says : ‘ Most people who get into money problems have lots of short-term , high interest debts .
8 The young people who come into care are drawn almost exclusively from the ranks of the poor and disadvantaged and though many reasons are given for the move , frequently it is the inability of the family to cope with illness , bereavement , divorce or remarriage .
9 People who come into frequent contact with domestic animals may become transiently infected but the symptoms do not last for any appreciable period .
10 The reality is that while the professional/client model is attractive , people who come into contact with mental health services often do not feel they exert the kind of influence that , for example , a person might have when he is instructing his solicitor .
11 There are many people who come into English-language teaching without having passed through formal pedagogic processes , so that when they are confronted with the terminology of the subject , they may be at a disadvantage to those who have already been to teacher-training college or who have a university degree in linguistics .
12 The algae can cause the death of fish and other aquatic organisms , and can also trigger painful skin problems for people who come into contact with their slime .
13 Inward migrants will include people who come into the district in order to do the jobs that are provided and there are many examples of employers coming to the town and bringing their own people into the town to do the jobs that are brought into the town .
14 The committee says its measures are aimed at protecting the privacy of ordinary people who come into contact with the press as well as being targeted at recent revelations in tapes involving the Royal Family .
15 People who fall into this habit often have a weak sense of identity and have felt very taken over as children , not allowed their own thoughts and feelings , nor to be themselves .
16 An additional problem that has dogged personality theories is that of tautology ; if the categories are to mean anything , they must not be identified only by the fact that the people who fall into them tend to commit crimes .
17 But about half of the 200,000 people who fall into either of those categories go on to full-time education and become entitled to student relief of the community charge .
18 Top cosmetic surgeon Anthony Erian says he turns away more than half the people who walk into his Harley Street consulting rooms looking for a new image .
19 Greg Hocking was one of those rare people who drift into teaching and find themselves , to their own surprise , absolutely cut out for the job .
20 But Crabbe knew the local almshouses and the hospital and the prison , and the sort of people who drift into them ; he read , in the parish registers , the deaths of the unsuccessful , the marriages of the incompetent , and the births of the illegitimate .
21 We are involved in supporting the funding of people who move into nursing homes .
22 And that is the high unit cost end , with the people who move into nursing homes , and obviously our highest cost , with the exception of certain very complex cases on physical disability , erm , where we , we do occasionally get higher cost packages keeping people out of the nursing home .
23 Coun Dixon said : ‘ The council finds many young people who move into council houses can not cope living by themselves .
24 This figure does not include school children , students , housewives , mothers with small children , senior citizens , or people who are unemployed ; nor does it include those many people who struggle into work with an aching back .
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