Example sentences of "people who [vb base] from " in BNC.

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1 Considerations that are given deliberative priority in order to secure reliability constitute obligations ; corresponding to those obligations are rights , possessed by people who benefit from the obligations .
2 This means that tax evasion is depriving the state — and the people who benefit from what the state can do for them , whether it is building better roads and hospitals or cleaning the seashore or guarding the frontiers — of a sum amounting to about 10% of the current official national income .
3 In addition , we should consider whether there might be a link between the dominant ideas transmitted through socialisation and those people who benefit from the existing distribution of power and reward .
4 While scrapping the subsidies would hit state bureaucrats abusing the system it would hit even harder the less privileged people who benefit from cheap prices for essential items in ordinary shops .
5 What 's confusing , though is that some of these symptoms are sometimes reported by people who suffer from high blood pressure .
6 There is no evidence in the great majority of cases that an altered body clock is in any way responsible , but there is one group of people who suffer from a fairly rare form of insomnia called Delayed Sleep phase Syndrome .
7 Yet it is often a hidden disability , which isolates both the people who suffer from it and their families .
8 But some experiences are common among people who suffer from it .
9 The example of osteoporosis helps to illustrate that it is not simply older people who suffer from inadequate and discriminating health care , more specifically it is older women .
10 Undoubtedly , the human contact which shopping provides becomes increasingly important to people who suffer from social isolation .
11 Therefore , people who suffer from intellectual impairment may be unable to acquire adequate knowledge and to respond quickly and appropriately to a threat to safety .
12 While working on people who suffer from these conditions I have always found that the neck muscles are extremely tight .
13 For those of us who live with a friendly cat it is hard to understand people who suffer from a terror of encountering felines at close quarters .
14 Many elderly people who suffer from backache and stiff joints find bending and stretching difficult , so it is important that the cooker , sink and work-tops should be at the correct height for them , and that cupboards and larder shelves that are in daily use should not be too high or too low for them to reach without strain .
15 This is particularly true when dealing with people who suffer from phobias of one sort or another .
16 Dr Lewy is hoping melatonin pills can be used to treat people who suffer from winter depressions by timing the doses to create an illusion of long , summer days in the depth of winter .
17 That is a matter of saving the lives of thousands of people who suffer from rare diseases .
18 There are people who suffer from this , as do those who , although perfectly healthy , are afraid of getting ill at some time in the future .
19 Therefore it does not seem to be necessary to encourage people who suffer from Chemical Dependency also to give up cigarette smoking ( except on grounds of general health ) for fear that it will spark off the compulsion to return to use of the original addictive drug of choice .
20 The most important outcome of the increased use of monitoring equipment is that people who suffer from respiratory diseases can be alerted to the possibility of a problem arising within the following 24 hours .
21 The Department advises people who suffer from respiratory diseases to take minimum exercise and , preferably , to stay indoors .
22 A wide range of organic and psychosocial differences between people who suffer from schizophrenia and a random sample of the general population have been identified .
23 I think a lot of people who suffer from asthma type diseases here do suffer quite severely erm because of this and I think that at some point we 're probably going to have to , to look at it and try and devise a system which , which allows us to pick up the grass .
24 Yes , well , I mean I 'm very happy to be able to agree totally with that erm , people who make the laws are n't the people who suffer from the the physical , and matters might be a great deal better if erm , they paid a bit more attention , I do hope that he would agree however , erm , that police officers who are female also have a good effect on the streets , because he was acting as if erm , it was only the male person who were any use , and I 'm sure that is not so .
25 Thousands of people who suffer from long-sightedness , have been given new hope of improving their vision , thanks to a new laser technique .
26 The discovery also has implications for around 25 thousand children and young people who suffer from the inherited disease cystic fibrosis .
27 In fact , there are thought to be three million people who suffer from it .
28 While appreciating the need to continue good exporting conditions for this major Scottish commodity , one could argue that perhaps much of the tax revenue goes straight back into the system to treat those many people who suffer from alcohol misuse or abuse ( not just whisky , of course ) .
29 The breakthrough could offer an effective treatment to the 6,000 people who suffer from the life-threatening disease in the UK , many of whom die in their early 30s .
30 I am one of hundreds of people who suffer from colitis and I would love to spend one or two days every so often in town .
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