Example sentences of "people who [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With this method all the people who wish to be involved in the selection of a candidate do so one after the other and not as one unwieldy group .
2 Improve information , advice services and facilities for people who wish to be tested for HIV .
3 I have not met many Scottish people who wish to be left exposed to the nuclear blackmail that could come from the huge nuclear arsenal which will remain for many years on the continent and in Russia .
4 Er , yes I agree the funding that we provide at the moment , seventeen thousand I think , er i in in we 've already committed erm for for wh for the coming year , is small but it is because of the example , because er people who wish to m er erm promote cycling schemes and cycling policies within South Cambridgeshire , within the county council can identify the example that we have been setting that hypothecated budget aimed at cycling have been er directed this way and have been spent amicably , constructively , sensibly by cycling working parties .
5 Not only delegates but also people who attend as a service from other churches outside the membership of the World Council and also to cope with the press .
6 What has happened over the course of this century has been an improvement in people 's states of fitness at particular ages so that whereas at the beginning of the century people in their sixties were regarded as being old , it is clear that people who survive into their sixties are now mainly , as is described below , generally quite fit .
7 Not all the people who indulge in these tastes are addicts — that is , they do not depend on their habit in a way that seems clearly abnormal to the bulk of people who do not share their tastes .
8 Indeed , I would be deeply concerned to think that the people who preside over the Central Council of Physical Recreation do not know it .
9 Considerations that are given deliberative priority in order to secure reliability constitute obligations ; corresponding to those obligations are rights , possessed by people who benefit from the obligations .
10 This means that tax evasion is depriving the state — and the people who benefit from what the state can do for them , whether it is building better roads and hospitals or cleaning the seashore or guarding the frontiers — of a sum amounting to about 10% of the current official national income .
11 In addition , we should consider whether there might be a link between the dominant ideas transmitted through socialisation and those people who benefit from the existing distribution of power and reward .
12 While scrapping the subsidies would hit state bureaucrats abusing the system it would hit even harder the less privileged people who benefit from cheap prices for essential items in ordinary shops .
13 The aim is that those young people who opt for early leaving would themselves be substantial gainers .
14 And I would like to say thank you to the people who sit on the budget review sub- committee , a committee which actually I do n't attend as often as I probably ought to , particularly to the labour spokesperson , for the way he 's guided the committee , both from within the chair and at other times , on it 's work this year , to be able to propose a budget which erm , so well fulfils the aims that many of us had when we were elected in May , which were of course , to maintain services , er , to squeeze efficiency out of the sy into the system and squeeze any waste out , and to get our officers working towards zero base budgets .
15 Change is probably the biggest sitting with their arms crossed quite long periods involved with what is going on people who sit with their folding sometimes change of attitude how people react
16 If people are gon na sit around the house while they 're unemployed , they 're probably the same people who sit around the house when they 're on a Saturday and Sunday when they 're working you know .
17 In many cases students will also tour in productions mounted by the school , and this gives good audience experience away from the greenhouse of school performances , where the people who sit in the audience are usually either professionally interested , or are fellow students and friends .
18 I 'm , I 'm certainly as I was going to come on to explain and the way you will see ourselves working , is not people who sit in the Town Hall and just turn out reports , I mean the kind of work we do and the way we work means that were actually very much involved in the community groups , but I mean if it was , if it was thought to be an issue that we needed to have greater community involvement , i.e. to resurrecting that forum then that 's something that , you know , we may need to address , but I never saw it as operating like that anyway , I mean I saw it as it 's almost like in a cabinet of members mainly . .
19 at the same time , there are people who sit in the middle ground
20 You might also try : " This magic chair seems to make people who sit in it very grumpy .
21 Levi was an author who , without detriment to the other people who figure in his books , wrote all the time about himself , both in autobiographical and in fictional form .
22 Thus in a letter to his father of 3 June 1913 , all the names are of people who figure in Mrs Lowndes 's memoirs :
23 Both are reports of questions in the minds of the people who figure in the passages .
24 It is important to remember that a very large percentage of jobs never come on to the open market but are filled from within the firm , by people applying ‘ on spec. ’ or by people who hear about a vacancy from friends or colleagues working in the same field .
25 ‘ They are a people who ask for little but who are enormously and genuinely grateful for any help ’ , wrote one official who witnessed a terrible drought in Masailand in the early 1960s : ‘ They live a hard life uncomplainingly . ’
26 The way in which individual credit granters decide whether or not to lend to people who ask for loans or credit affects the general pattern of credit use .
27 Most people who ask for advice about a decision are really seeking condemnation : that is to say , condemnation of the choice they do not want to make but have not the courage to reject .
28 To ignore this would ‘ demonstrate a lack of regard for the people who suffer as a result ’ , he said
29 Mercifully the number of people who suffer to this extent is small and their need for help is usually recognized by those with whom they come into contact .
30 SANELINE is the first helpline for people suffering from mental illness , their families , professional helpers and those generally involved in assisting people who suffer in this way .
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