Example sentences of "people would [verb] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 And I guess you must have lost erm some of those people would 've gone to N S A especially with their new security product .
2 People would have said , what 's a telephone ?
3 People would have said , what 's a telephone ?
4 Most people would have said , ‘ I have been filming with Johnny Mills . ’
5 ‘ But I suppose if we had won 4–0 , people would have said Villa had an off-day .
6 Before the war at a luncheon party like this people would have said precisely the same things but they would have sounded different , because in those days they were accompanied by a sort of humming noise , not articulate , but musical , exciting , which changed the value of the words themselves …
7 They made a good pair , people would have said who saw them .
8 No member of the races of the True People would have involved himself in a plan which necessitated the transportation of a mutant into Kinsai .
9 He was faced with one setback after another , as we shall see , and most people would have given up along the way .
10 Without her care , friendship and encouragement a lot of people would have given up .
11 At this stage most people would have given up the struggle and for a time settled for Ted , who by now had enlisted new blood into his team , including the trusty old campaigner , John Peyton , and Peter Walker , who was re-engaged as Ted 's campaign manager .
12 All my programmes would have been working and people would have seen what I was trying to do . "
13 My mother thought if I 'd been a boy Dad would have lived with us and been grand , or at least people would have noticed us .
14 Her clothes were so fashionable that the country people would have noticed her .
15 Although it is true that more people would have contracted serious illnesses of a type which have now been eradicated — especially tuberculosis , which struck large numbers of people ( women more frequently than men ) throughout the nineteenth century — very few people would have survived into a long and infirm old age ( Johansson , 1977 ) .
16 The ‘ doomsters ’ would have been discredited , and you can be sure that plenty of people would have pointed this out forcefully .
17 Most people would have reacted as you did .
18 Judge Keith Matthewman said it was a well-planned scheme and if it had worked thousands of people would have lost money .
19 We had two other rooms on the ground floor , a sort of kitchen and what most people would have called a large cupboard , but which Grace liked to describe as the parlour .
20 By the end of the period of imperial expansion , in the middle of the twentieth century , it was widely believed that everyone in the world should be a citizen of an independent and sovereign state and should have the same rights as all the other citizens in the state , but in 1500 very few people would have understood such a notion .
21 People would have grabbed door handles to get out and been sucked into the fabric of the door .
22 Although it is true that more people would have contracted serious illnesses of a type which have now been eradicated — especially tuberculosis , which struck large numbers of people ( women more frequently than men ) throughout the nineteenth century — very few people would have survived into a long and infirm old age ( Johansson , 1977 ) .
23 Similarly , if the DSS had used the European equivalence scales , a further 1.3 million people would have appeared below the poverty line .
24 People would have lived happily if it was n't for the troubles instigated by the government and the Jewish Agency . ’
25 Most people would have run for their lives .
26 He was not the type to make a fuss as some people would have done , but he was very fed up about it .
27 I would of thought you of all people would have done that you know !
28 But traditionally such people would have done , er and perhaps in earlier times you know , er maybe Mrs Thatcher does say some prayers , I do n't know , but maybe prayers would be said .
29 ‘ I guess you polite English people would have suffered in silence , would n't you ? ’
30 Maybe a few years ago people would have disapproved .
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