Example sentences of "first [be] [that] the " in BNC.

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1 The first is that the wind tends to lift the upwind wing-tip and the second is that the glider tends to weathercock into the wind .
2 The first is that the opponent 's punch need miss only by the smallest amount .
3 The first is that the needles act to stimulate the nerves , causing the brain to produce endomorphins .
4 The first is that the Prime Minister has always said she regards the fight against inflation as paramount .
5 The first is that the US ski areas are no match in scale or mountain drama for those of the Alps .
6 The first is that the policies have largely been implemented as intended and that they are bearing fruit .
7 The first is that the possibility of a revolution occurring in a country where capitalism was poorly developed made him aware of the problem of setting up too rigid a sequence for human evolution .
8 The first is that the history of the Kalahari Bushmen is just as long as those of technologically more advanced people of today , and so they are not representative of an ‘ earlier period ’ in the history of mankind .
9 The first is that the Wall Street Crash of October and November 1929 , and the economic impact which it exerted upon the world markets , increased unemployment to three millions , about a quarter of the workforce , and created the financial problems which Philip Snowden faced in trying to balance the budget in 1931 .
10 The first is that the recession they have caused and which so nearly ditched them will not go away automatically .
11 The first is that the conservation policies themselves still have many of the assumptions of the colonial model .
12 The first is that the NRC co-ordinates strategy and the deployment of officers on a national basis in consultation with the Home Office , which may well have keen political interests in the matter to hand .
13 The first is that the impact of the debt crisis has been considerably cushioned by injections of aid from the United States which rose from US$14 million in 1980 to over US$160 million in 1987 .
14 The first is that the land around the Arnish site was owned by the Stornoway Trust , an elected body who received an undertaking from the subsidiary of Olsen Shipping when they took over the site , that only essential maintenance would be carried out on Sundays .
15 The first is that the act of self-poisoning may have been rewarding in so far as any subsequent positive changes could be seen as resulting from the act itself .
16 The first is that the arithmetical accuracy of a profit and loss budget must be confirmed by the preparation of a budgeted balance sheet as at the period end .
17 The first is that the ‘ best ’ book is the best book for the specific , individual person — the best book that will engage , support , and extend that particular reader .
18 The first is that the £20 deposit required on hiring the punt was secured by means of a personal cheque drawn on Dennis 's account and duly signed by him .
19 The first is that the figures are indeed horrifying .
20 The first is that the item meets the definition of an element of financial statements .
21 The first is that the absence of a systematic theology of redemption was simply due to the fact that in the early church no great disputes had yet arisen about it .
22 The first is that the question of what constitutes great creativity , at least , is still left open to debate .
23 The first is that the source format be such that all or nearly all of the available computing tools can be applied to it .
24 The first is that the amount of evolutionary divergence in the organization of primate brains has not been anywhere near as great as the divergence between primates and other groups .
25 The first is that the inputs in the two tasks are restricted to two different neurons .
26 The first is that the brain is organized with a considerable amount of parallel wiring , so that information about the same event may be encoded in the activity of a number of cells , not necessarily adjacent to each other .
27 The first is that the stockmarket does not collapse again , causing banks ' equity capital and their unrealised share gains ( which are their main cushion against bad loans ) to dwindle .
28 The first is that the masers are emitted from a circumnuclear molecular torus rapidly rotating around a compact massive object , such as a black hole .
29 The first is that the removal of institutional conditions is in itself a therapeutic act .
30 The first is that the five senses do not and can not give us ‘ unvarnished news ’ — information independent of the concepts used to classify it .
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