Example sentences of "people in [art] world " in BNC.

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1 At this level of personal and intimate experience there is little competition from other observers ; only a handful of people in the world will ever see all the works in a catalogue raisonné .
2 These are the products of an age when the Dutch were the richest people in the world — the Japanese of their time — and they expressed their wealth by painting , not scenes of classical grandeur , but homes and streets , faces and families .
3 But for millions of people in the world 's poorest countries , who live in fear of diseases like measles and whooping cough it is quite literally true .
4 The present Mayor of West Berlin , Mr Walter Momper , told the crowd : ‘ We are now the happiest people in the world , but in this hour of happiness we should remember the many dead and injured and the pain caused by this wall .
5 He was one of the shyest people in the world .
6 There is plenty of poverty in Western countries but there are democracies too , and Western Europeans are amongst the richest , and most productive people in the world .
7 ‘ Self-determination is the right of all people in the world , including Germans , but it only makes sense when one does not lose sight of the concerns of others … we are coming to the end of a century which has seen the special responsibility of Germans for some terrible things . ’
8 It 's a sign of the times that pop-as-reinvention-of-the-self is something that resonates for fewer and fewer people in the world that is the music press readership .
9 Mark rose from his chair fully aware that politicians believed themselves to be the best informed people in the world , which made them a very sceptical audience for any speaker .
10 In 1954 Fairfield Osborn warned his countrymen : ‘ We Americans have used more of the world 's resources in the past forty years than all the people in the world had used in the four thousand years up to 1914 .
11 A note read : ‘ There are good people in the world .
12 It is less easy to take a full share of the blame and almost impossible to understand the feelings and aspirations of the legions of hungry people in the world .
13 When we use the words , ‘ brothers ’ and ‘ sisters ’ we usually mean the people in our immediate families , but it can also mean other people in the world who might be in need of our help .
14 There are two people in the world who know all that is known about Christabel LaMotte .
15 ‘ I think popular music is the last refuge of young people in the world .
16 There are few places on the globe unmapped , but there are millions of people in the world who have never seen the sea , or mountains , or a desert , or a snow-covered landscape , and many of them want to experience such places because the unknown is one of the great pleasures of travel .
17 She was one of the few people in the world who genuinely found Henry funny .
18 The nomads are the poorest people in the world and perhaps the richest spiritually .
19 He was educated privately at home , and never knew there were other deaf people in the world until he came across the manual alphabet in one of the publications he was reading , and out of curiosity mastered it .
20 In a global context , few people in the world today can live out their lives without some awareness of , or indeed direct contact with agencies of state administration .
21 ‘ Oh , Sausage , ’ she said , ‘ there are some beastly people in the world !
22 He did NOT write these words : ‘ God loved the brainy people and attractive people in the world so much that he gave his only Son , so that anyone with 8 GCSEs , 3 A-Levels and loads of friends may not die but have eternal life ’ ! !
23 But if we change our own scarcity belief , so that money flows more freely into our own lives , we have reduced — by one — the number of people in the world who struggle over money ; and we might choose to use some of our wealth to help others — not out of guilt , but out of love .
24 THEY are the most recognisable people in the world — unless you catch them in their computer games guises .
25 When the people in the world awaken to the rights that are theirs , governments will no longer dare to defy them and set them at nought . ’
26 It was n't Jazzbeaux 's idea of a hobby , but there were more dangerous people in the world .
27 They are , therefore , the last people in the world prepared to lose weight , take exercise or be persuaded of the wisdom of going to bed each night with a bloody tennis ball bouncing around their neck .
28 ‘ There are n't many people in the world that are actually going to make solid , rational decisions .
29 Unless forced , they were the most stubbornly silent people in the world .
30 ‘ I 'd rear up on players if they said anything and footballers are n't the bravest people in the world , so they used to think twice before they said anything to me and that helped me . ’
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