Example sentences of "people ['s] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Following the reorganization of the General People 's Committees on Oct. 8 [ see p. 39168 ] , a reshuffle was announced on Nov. 18 in which Abu Zaid Omar Dourda was re-appointed Secretary-General of the General People 's Committee , a post which he had held since October 1990 [ see p. 37795 ] .
2 Short of a series of studies which is designed directly to compare regional patterns , holding other variables constant , we can not be certain that any observed variations can be attributed to , say , people 's views about family responsibilities being different in the north-east of England from the prevailing norms in the south-west .
3 But no transgression against Hume 's stricture is involved in pointing out that people 's views about what ought to be — their moral stance and outlook — may be directly related to certain distinctive features of their lives .
4 There do seem to be some concerns which recur throughout the interviews and seemed to be crucial to people 's views about decision-making in the education and lives of young disabled people .
5 And they 're the kind of books which in a way encapsulated people 's views of what history was , the history of this country was , at that particular point in time .
6 Researchers who were interested in people 's views on blood sports could either hang around waiting for respondents spontaneously to bring the subject up , or they could ask directed questions about this on a structured questionnaire , taking care to ask everybody exactly the same question .
7 Therefore , the analysis of hearing people 's skills in BSL is not simply a matter of eliciting deaf people 's views on hearing BSL users , but must take into account a societal element not apparent in the evaluation of skills in , say , french .
8 Particular objects of interest in the study will be people 's understanding of the processes and the products of science , and people 's views on controversial or ‘ high-risk ’ science .
9 Pamela Vandyke Price 's Tutored Wine Tasting , arranged by Miranda Villiers and her colleagues in teh London Regional Group , brought in £300 for the Endowment Appeal and changed many people 's views on sparkling wines .
10 If that were not the case then we would n't have er public consultation exercise and ask for people 's views in terms of which routes they support .
11 That sums up people 's views in a series of opinion surveys being carried out with Board backing by Group businesses around the world .
12 It 's like other people 's papers in crowded tubes .
13 Comment : We avoid embarrassment , and involvement in other people 's problems by dodging and diminishing .
14 Far from valuing the individual , I believe the Tory government has privatised people 's souls by eroding self respect and well- being .
15 Miniature governments are expensive to run , and ineffective in promoting their people 's interests in the face of an indifferent world .
16 You do n't have to record people 's brainwaves in order to know how long they sleep .
17 User-awareness — familiarity with young people 's tastes in such things as TV viewing , music , clothes and make-up , and leisure activities , as well as reading tastes and habits .
18 Although apparently punctilious and conservative in manner and dress , he had a shrewd business appreciation of practical detail and people 's tastes in leisure activities .
19 Queer how it gets us , all women and no men , the way we let off steam , like being back at school again , lifting up people 's skirts in the cloakroom .
20 erm so er it 's sometimes possible to borrow from the university but they usually , they usually make it very difficult for one so er oh thanks , erm so erm anyway because with a thing like people 's accounts of dreams you may want to sort of go back and look at them , you know , sort of how people have expressed them in their own words , they may have er you know produced some nice interesting quotes or something like that
21 If blind people 's drawings of objects ( more or less as they would be touched ) reflected their thoughts , then deaf people 's writings obviously showed a difference .
22 To illustrate this I want to mention briefly a list of ways in which the Milltown Action Team has been able to either increase employment or increase local people 's chances of gaining employment .
23 The application of the Government 's national bands will mean a loss of grant for London of about £300 million a year , which works out in terms of people 's bills at about £60 per adult per year and £100 in some constituencies .
24 This view is substantiated in recent studies such as that by Drudy and Wallace ( 1971 ) , which compare young people 's aspirations with the types of jobs available in rural areas .
25 We shall never be able to look at either our own or other people 's religions in quite the same way again .
26 ‘ I love you , ’ she whispered under the din of other people 's exclamations about the phenomenal machine .
27 Taken together , people 's answers to these three questions indicate that they judge HP to be the most costly common form of credit , and that they judge credit cards , store accounts and check trading to be relatively cheap — with the important qualification that ( presumably taking quality of goods into account ) mail order and check trading , though not expensive , are often thought likely to give poor value for money .
28 It must be accepted that what we are collecting is people 's answers to questions , which is not necessarily a true picture of their activities .
29 There are selection interviews , exit interviews , disciplinary interviews , as well as interviews to discover people 's opinions on everything from products to politics .
30 ‘ President Clinton likes lighter food than President Bush , ’ said White House chef Pierre Chambrin yesterday at the annual meeting of top people 's cooks in Paris .
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