Example sentences of "people [pron] they [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Being unmarried and childless she was unaware that many quite normal women spent a great deal of time talking to and feeding people whom they would not , themselves , have chosen to entertain .
2 It is a reasonable assumption that people will find it easier to accept a product if it appears in a context into which they could fit themselves , being used by people whom they could — or would like to — resemble .
3 It could work in the same way as the present ‘ attendance allowance ’ , a payment made to severely disabled people which they can then choose how to spend on their care .
4 It has been an exhausting three days for the Labour Whips as they trawled the corridors of the Palace to try to find people who they could wheel in to speak in this debate .
5 One of the most useful things we can do is to find out from people what they would really like to happen and try to facilitate this .
6 I 'm very glad to see that there 's quite a lot of nurses here , and I presume that quite a lot of those are women nurses , and I think that this is terribly important , and I think a useful thing with this new service could do is to go out and talk for instance to the meetings of women 's organisations , to old peoples ' clubs in the afternoon , and actually ask people what they would like , and get them talking in a nice informal way , rather than waiting for somebody to let them know what they think , because I do n't think they 're going to get it .
7 ‘ You may suspect that judges share the common human failing of wanting to tell other people what they ought to do to lay down the law .
8 The function of government intervention is less to tell people what they ought to like than to allow them better to achieve what they already like .
9 He spoke of a well-off socialist he knew at college ; what irked him was not the socialist views , some of which he agreed with , but the fact that here was a wealthy socialist telling working people what they should think .
10 What right does any individual have to tell other people what they should or should n't do ?
11 It 's not been for us to tell people what they should or should n't eat or do anything with , because the , in , in one respect that 's a nann nannying attitude from er , whether it 's the legislators saying we 're not going to approve the right legislation so that you have that information , but on the other hand by manufacturers and others saying you trust us .
12 These are important opportunities to tell staff what is expected of them , as well as old people what they can expect .
13 If anything , I 'd like to show people what they can do by themselves .
14 He was not being paid twenty-five guineas to tell people what they could manage to think out themselves for nothing .
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