Example sentences of "also [vb pp] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 We are also taught to be caring and nurturing parents .
2 It was also calculated to be popular with the Cuban-American electorate , estimated to number 700,000 .
3 Module questions are also formulated to be as colloquial as possible , avoiding any ‘ bookishness ’ in syntax and lexicon .
4 Yes , because the GX-7 is also intended to be used for mixing guitar input with the output from a Walkman-style cassette player for rehearsal purposes .
5 It has taken several years of animated discussions among the members and their respective lawyers to arrive at these terms and conditions , which are also intended to be in line with the code of conduct adopted last year by the European federation of art dealers , FIDOAO ( Federation Internationale des Diffuseurs d'Oeuvres d'Art Originales ) .
6 Lunch periods are also intended to be a group activity .
7 A street is also deemed to be any place of public resort or recreation ground belonging to , or under the control of the local authority and any unfenced ground adjoining or abutting upon any street in an urban district ( Section 81 Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1907 ) .
8 Belgium giants Interbrew — Stella Artois to you and me — are negotiating in Czechoslovakia , Poland and Hungary and all the other normal suspects are also reported to be continuing talks east of the former iron curtain .
9 Some companies are also reported to be paying several months ' salary in advance of the election .
10 Du Preez is also reported to be joining Harlequins in Durban who already boast Vleis Visagie and Wahl Bartmann .
11 A quarter of these children were also reported to be difficult to manage and demanding attention .
12 Prince is also reported to be compiling a soundtrack and story for a new movie entitled The Dawn .
13 The firm 's building , owned jointly by Tajan and his two associates and estimated at FFr80–100 million before the recent slump in Paris property prices , is also reported to be for sale .
14 DDE is also reported to be working on a SuperMax system based on the multi-processing version of the R4000 for the beginning of next year .
15 Libya was also reported to be pressing for an increase in its quota .
16 Another figure of the Duvalier regime , Claude Raymond , a former general , generally held to be behind the disruption of the November 1987 elections [ see pp. 35697-98 ] , was also reported to be campaigning for the presidency , despite a constitutional ban on " notorious Duvalierists " .
17 The press accused the government of having created the shortage by failing to implement fully the state purchasing plan from herdsmen in the provinces , but herdsmen were also reported to be reluctant to sell to the state in anticipation of higher state purchasing prices .
18 The preparation of a draft bill to protect Antarctica and to ban commercial mining and drilling was also reported to be in progress .
19 Nigerian troops were also reported to be guarding key installations in the capital , Freetown .
20 Italy was also reported to be offering $50,000,000 in assistance to Albanian industry .
21 Nationals of Burkina , Chad , Mali , Niger and Nigeria were also reported to be affected .
22 Uncertainty after the ruling was also reported to be raising doubts about the government 's plans for privatization of public-sector industry .
23 The Iranian , Syrian and Turkish governments were also reported to be concerned that the elections in Iraqi Kurdistan should not be seen as a first move towards the creation of an independent Kurdish state .
24 Japanese customs officials have intercepted consignments of ivory bearing fake Malaysian permits , and fake permits from Cameroon are also reported to be in circulation .
25 The government is also reported to be planning an increase in petrol tax later this year .
26 Forest cover has been substantially reduced over the past two decades , although the local people are also reported to be becoming more aware of the need for conservation measures .
27 The boot is also claimed to be designed to have a special ‘ braking tread ’ .
28 Nkrumah also claimed to be against the existence of a privately owned press .
29 As a result of treating thousands of patients with sugar cravings , and discovering that nearly 80 per cent of a groups of 1,000 women with pre-menstrual syndrome also claimed to be suffering with sugar cravings , WNAS undertook a national study to determine the degree of the problem in general .
30 The former Exxon security consultant is also expected to be sentenced to life in a separate case for kidnapping and murder .
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