Example sentences of "also [verb] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to filter feeding and photosynthesis , mushroom anemones can also absorb proteins and other food molecules directly from the water surrounding them .
2 They also sell guides and maps .
3 They also owned Punch and the financial information agency Exchange Telegraph ( Extel ) , formerly a traditional news agency .
4 Victims of assault , wounding , robbery and sexual crimes were also given counselling but by far the greatest number of people ( 4,835 ) were given help after house burglaries .
5 Here he also made alum and sulphuric acid by the lead chamber process .
6 Timeshare salesman Thomas Kerr , 21 , from Loughton , Essex , was jailed for 18 months at Snaresbrook Crown Court when he also admitted burglary and stealing £10,000 worth of computer equipment .
7 Nectar never provides a complete diet for any of these birds , which also eat insects or other animals but , as nectar is replenished as it is removed , birds may defend clumps of nectariferous flowers .
8 They also eat chokecherry and serviceberry leaves , fern rhizomes , the lichens hanging from branches , and mountain ash twigs and leaves .
9 As the next chapter shows , the subsequent oil price rises were also to hit Germany and Japan much more heavily than the United States .
10 You can also plot comets and minor planets as well as predict solar and lunar eclipses .
11 YWAM 's church planting activity will be more evident among unevangelised peoples , but will also affect Britain and Europe in the 1990s .
12 I also make swans and angels for the Christmas bazaars , but this is a knitting magazine , not one on crochet !
13 These also make machines and parts for the textile factories , the iron and steel works , the coal mines and the transport systems .
14 Employers also make gains and losses ( the areas below the demand for labour and above the wage line ) .
15 Gleizes and Le Fauconnier became friendly in 1909 after a meeting at the home of a young socialist writer named Alexandre Mercereau , where Gleizes also met Metzinger and Delaunay for the first time in the following year , although these meetings did not lead to immediate friendship , and Gleizes knew little about their work .
16 The techniques may also circumvent impotence and some other problems that prevent normal intercourse followed by conception .
17 We have also developed meat and egg trays which are CFC-free .
18 The famous storage facility ‘ Platinum Hill ’ also received damage and can be seen in the background .
19 The dog had received a massive electric shock , his children also received shocks and his wife , in trying to comfort the dog , received a nasty bite to her hand .
20 The team , which was formed to join the local boys ' football league , also received footballs and two holdalls for carrying the strips .
21 More youngsters are also sniffing glue or solvents , taking amphetamines , and experimenting with ‘ magic mushrooms ’ .
22 Frequently , however , they also highlight aspects or draw attention to important details that might otherwise be missed .
23 The work also voiced taboos and silenced areas in an attempt to make visible shared and common experiences , revealing their roots in the social and cultural rather than the personal .
24 Similarly , parallel questions will be asked of the participants , for the clients also bring expectations and stereotypes ( of the workers , administration , etc. and of their fellow clients ) to participation , as well as a wide gamut of often conflicting ideologies .
25 Chillida , from San Sebastian , Spain , is best know for his monumental works in natural materials , such as wood , iron and marble , but he also produces collages and engravings .
26 Allied ( draught brands include Ansells , Benskins , Double Diamond , Ind Coope , Taylor Walker and Tetley ) are particularly strong in the light , pale and export ales market ( its strongest brand is Long Life , which was the first canned beer on the market and is currently leader in the export segment , but it also produces Skol and Arctic Lite ) .
27 But as a resourceless rebellion it also produces isolation and dependency .
28 people used to talk about a time when the volcano also spat flames and rocks into the sky , like the strangers ' guns , when the black strand on the northern promontory of the island was formed by the mountain 's spewing .
29 They also sold souvenirs and , in exchange for suit ably generous donations , gave out small , square pieces of the Virgin 's dress .
30 They also sold infrastructure and public sector housing land to the councils at historic cost plus interest rather than developed land value .
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