Example sentences of "these [noun pl] was [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The main need of these artists was for good opportunities to exhibit their work ; unlike the equally celebrated group Die Brücke ( The Bridge ) they did not work closely together .
2 One may presume that the standard of living of both these groups was above the national average , and that this could have given them better resistance to disease than their poorer neighbours .
3 And the growth of these herbs was in turn encouraged by the Aboriginal people — paradoxically , by setting fire to them , and getting rid of whatever was rank .
4 The result of these plans was in a sense absurd .
5 One of these clients was in fact still at home in March 1989 .
6 The emphasis in these speeches was on the need for unity and the avoidance of dissent in radio programmes .
7 One of the earliest of these settlements was on the island of Torcello on the Venetian Lagoon , and nearby Venice was established later .
8 The production of axes from these sites was on a prodigious scale , although we know nothing of how they were traded and distributed all over England and Wales .
9 In November of 1954 , Williams began a series of lectures at the Public Library , and while the theme of these lectures was by now a familiar one to his audiences ( education in the West Indies ) , the public debate that ensued between Williams and the Reverend Dom .
10 The distinction of these functions was in part a result of their internal development , as each function required more skill and time .
11 The first of these criticisms was by fur the strongest made by solicitors interviewed for the research study by Baldwin and Hill .
12 One of the ways in which CMEAD hoped to address these criticisms was by encouraging the reform of management development , both in terms of its content and of its delivery , with a view to widening access to effective management education and development .
13 On the other hand the material which Eliot had put into Pound 's hands turned out to be so inchoate that many readers were led to wonder how far the poem as they had it all these years was in any authentic sense Eliot 's at all .
14 The opening chapter and most pace-setting of these contributions was by the only Englishman featured in the book , Arnold Toynbee .
15 The trend these days was towards plain English .
16 Before 1979 , 90 per cent of RX business had been in copier rental : capital realized by the sale of these machines was to be reinvested in training .
17 If I did not believe that the answer to these questions was in each case a resounding yes I would have found it very difficult to give these lectures .
18 Now Dr Winfield — and I have ratified this — made 127 sorties ; he could not have enjoyed his period at the Institute very much because he never seemed to he there , But he would come on a station with some project he wanted to fully research and he believed the only way to fully research these things was to " try them out on the dog " .
19 The variety of RNA produced , repeatedly , in these experiments was of the same size and structure as the molecules that Spiegelman had produced .
20 The first of these experiments was in New Jersey ( Pechman and Timpane , 1975 ) .
21 And the best way of achieving these ends was through developing the child 's sense of emulation and shame .
22 None of these propositions was in fact true .
23 The consequence of these developments was to be party government .
24 But the publication of these magazines was of course very demanding both in time and money and several faded away in the following decade , to be revived from time to time in spasmodic bouts of enthusiasm .
25 The intellectual thrust of many of these enquiries was towards a more ‘ scientific ’ study of society , building upon the empirical traditions of the social enquiries of the late Victorian and Edwardian era .
26 A year ago , I could not have contemplated saying that a machine of these specifications was within the grasp of the individual .
27 The fact that the king thought differently on both these issues was of little moment .
28 The texts at the beginning of the exhibition explained that the purpose of these juxtapositions was to ‘ reflect the long established practice of studying old work for instruction ’ .
29 Most of the land on these holdings was of good quality allowing a variety of crops to be grown .
30 The most significant finding of these reports was of the over-representation of black youths on mode B schemes — or on schemes that were less likely than mode A schemes to lead to a job .
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