Example sentences of "just as [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 The contents of the two may or may not be the same , just as they may or may not be the same in other members of the species .
2 They wanted her to succeed , just as they would have wanted someone from their own family to make it .
3 It might require them to behave authoritatively , submissively , wickedly or shrewdly ; the role might be labelled explorer , prime minister , designer or archaeologist , but they will do no more than adapt functionally to the situation of the drama just as they would adapt to roles required in a game — just as they once learnt to adapt to the limited number of roles imposed on them in real life .
4 He believes that manufacturers simply need to be aware of the electromagnetic environments surrounding their products just as they would be aware of temperatures .
5 But it is clear that companies should have a strategic approach to the issue just as they would with R&D .
6 This may make her feel that society regards her as a second-class widow , and you may need to help those who come into contact with her to understand how important it is going to be for her future adjustment for them to treat her just as they would any other bereaved person .
7 I have made the reflected objects darker , just as they would be if seen in real life .
8 The techniques prohibited might include deliberate manipulation of earthquakes , tsunamis , changes in weather patterns , and changes in the state of the ionosphere , It may be presumed that under this convention such changes would be unlawful if achieved by use of nuclear weapons , just as they would be if achieved by any other means .
9 They read our body language better than we do ourselves , and signal to us just as they would to each other .
10 Electrons fetched out of the air poured the circus directly into the living room , into the bloodstream — just as they would inject Viet Nam into the centre of American consciousness .
11 Then they set up resourcing arrangements , just as they would do for any other business operation they undertook .
12 ‘ Firms look on maternity leave just as they would a skiing holiday .
13 In his chagrin he wandered up on to Moel Siabod above his home , where a clump of purple flowers amongst the grey rocks of the mountain caught his eye , just as they might that of some solitary wanderer today .
14 The practical result of this is that when we study the individual child we see a succession of stages of development which from the point of view of the id are just as they should be and — because the id is the oldest , most fundamental and , from the point of view of the instinctual drives which originate it , the most important agency — are just what they should be .
15 Just as they can not cope with the nutritional inferiority of a vegetarian diet , so they find it hard to deal with even a moderate dose of alcohol and may start to vomit , collapse or even go into a coma .
16 Some people can take or leave cigarettes just as they can take Or leave an alcoholic drink — Others find that however hard they try to stop smoking and however much they may be aware of the damaging consequences of continuing to do so , they simply can not stop but find themselves compelled to continue .
17 Hypnosis , acupuncture and other " alternative " therapies may be helpful in covering the detoxification period in some people just as they can be helpful in detoxification in other forms of addiction .
18 Just as they will take everything of any value in Ireland .
19 Just as they could n't leave that bug in her phone .
20 Although definitions can not be complete , teachers will have to explain terms in language pupils can understand , just as they must explain any other unfamiliar words in books that pupils read .
21 Granted all that richness and diversity , to talk of language as screen may well seem simply perverse , even ungrateful , but just as we ca n't attend to the patterning without also seeing the patterns , the scenes , so the whole virtuoso performance is counterpointed by a performance of a different kind , the intricately woven language screen .
22 Just as we might have black hair and brown eyes , we bear the characteristics of our job .
23 Just as we might buy a new outfit , then take it home and change out of the old and into the new , so Paul likens the complete change needed if we are to live as followers of Christ .
24 We could reject it at once , just as we might reject a deal which we did riot like .
25 And I think what we 're trying to do is to see that we 're being treated fairly just as we might listen to that person 's argument as well .
26 As regards restoration , just as we would not dream of stripping out the original interior of the Blackfriar , by the same token we would not seek to preserve a Thirties estate pub which had long since ceased to address the needs of the community it was built to serve .
27 Without line B , we might reasonably conclude that this evaluation is the poet 's judgment , just as we would suppose for the preceding verses , 15–16 ( though the presence of ) in v. 15 may give us second thoughts ) .
28 Freud talks about the ego as an agency , a psychological agency , just as we would talk about say er a social agency .
29 Though , you know , there 's a sense in which we can use , we we 're a , we gave it in you to have a certain amount of license , and we can use illustrations just as we would use modern illustrations to describe spiritual truths and to use them to illustrate the gospel .
30 Just as we could , perhaps , calculate the weight of the largest insect which could walk on a given liquid , so we can use these concepts to calculate how strong we ought to expect materials to be .
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