Example sentences of "just been [vb pp] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Just up the hill from us is a small pig-raising factory which has just been built and , as the sun sets behind the hills of our old enemy Tuscany , across the valley , we can hear the squeals of feeding time and , we fear , of transport and slaughter time .
2 So you do n't know whether it had just been built and
3 never , no , and that is that it is constrained by a very tight village envelope which has actually just been defined and statutorily approved as an alteration to the rural areas local plan erm , and th the effect of that village envelope is to limit the possible amount of development to I would say no more than three or four hundred house .
4 A replica of this has just been completed and is currently on show in the Museum of Scotland display area in Chambers Street .
5 Krabbe 's manager Jos Hermens and panel president Wolfgang Schoeppe have refused to comment on the findings of the reports which have only just been completed and were supposed to be kept secret until the final ruling was announced .
6 Mike had a dream the other night that she had a , a little boy , but er , the funny thing was it 'd only just been born but it could talk
7 It had only just been born but it could talk properly and everything
8 Fo to make sh little nappies for the baby that was just been born and no clothes ready or fo and I 've I 've seen her you know as poor as we were my mam would sit there was patching sheets and er but I 've seen them whipped off the bed and put on somebody 's bed while they were having a baby or whatever .
9 It was hard for him to catch the words , because the flowerbeds had just been hoed and the birds were raucous in their search for food in the fresh-turned soil .
10 The '90 has just been bottled and is a huge , thick , brooding but surprisingly velvety mixture of blackberries , molasses , Pontefract cakes and garrigue herb flavours ( available in May , £11.24 ; Adnams ( 0502 724222 ) has the '88 at £11.25 ; Vintage Roots the '88/'89 at £11.65 ) .
11 Yeah , you 're told you 're going and we spend the first day overcoming barriers to the fact that they do n't know why they 're there , they 've just been sent and it 'll be good for you , you know this sort of stuff .
12 ‘ As though it 's just been created and has n't had a chance to get fouled up with so-called ‘ civilisation ’ .
13 This was the year in which war had just been declared and was a time of great worry and foreboding .
14 The sentences must have a rise and full , an ability to flow onwards with pauses for breath , like full stops , or a moment 's silence for the onlookers to assess what has just been stated and to understand its purpose and place in the design before the dance continues .
15 At any one moment the positioning of the folds of the vocal tract is determined not only by what has just been said but by what is about to be said ( Springer , 1979 ) .
16 The group-wide identification of management development needs has just been concluded and the new course calender will shortly be circulated .
17 On both occasions the car had just been serviced and was running perfectly .
18 A new Bishop has just been appointed and now in 1992 we are in the throes of the same process .
19 Commenting on the performance , Geoff Burns , a director of Murray Johnstone , said : ‘ We are pleased with the progress of the unlisted portfolio , with one investment that has just been floated and the prospect of two to come , including Stagecoach in three weeks ’ time .
20 A new R. A. F. camp , to which I was duly sent , had just been opened and was still partly empty when one day a new batch of prisoners was announced .
21 ‘ Most of the residents are there on a permanent basis , but there 's a brand-new wing that has just been opened and is almost exclusively for short-term patients — people like Jennifer who ca n't be left alone , who need constant attention . ’
22 Cos we need to cos we need to sort of all hands to the pump next week cos we 've got a big change-over Yeah but I know ink well no cos the leaflet he 's got has only just been approved and it 's going out next week yeah well I mean you 're to ha you 're to handle their enquiries er deal with their enquiries and then tell them to phone yeah yeah yeah but you see it 's the mailing that 's gone out and and then he 's got to do some advertising first two weeks in Feb .
23 ‘ So … if the kitchen bag had just been changed and the photos were on the top outside , it can only mean he threw out the photos in the last couple of days . ’
24 It 's only just been finished but the plan is to have four people living there — three clients or whatever and one person sponsored by us , probably a member of staff .
25 Extensive work to the roof has just been finished and the next phase will concentrate on the interior .
26 somebody came to settle up bang and he was playing thinking he 'd just been wounded and in fact he 'd been shot and killed , poor chap
27 Eight years on Symphony Release 3 has just been launched and Janet Swift examines how it measures up to today 's standards — looking at it from the viewpoint of existing users and those who are contemplating buying new business software .
28 He also confirms that a heavy goods vehicle has just been loaded and is about to leave for another customer in Tamworth .
29 New guidelines on the dangers of moving nuclear weapons by road have just been published but anti-nuclear campaigners believe the danger is greater than has been officially admitted .
30 Her eleventh novel , Gwendolen , has just been published and she says that for the first time she is writing for her soul .
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