Example sentences of "just as it [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 The terminals worked on a line by line basis , with the screen information scrolling upwards just as it would on a teleprinter roll .
2 As an example he cites Europe ; his political passion — just as it would appear to be Mrs Thatcher 's bete noir .
3 It may be ill-advised of a young woman dressed in a titillating manner to accept lifts from a stranger , just as it would be foolish for the owner of an expensive motor car to leave his vehicle parked overnight in an ill-lit side-street .
4 But it is foolish to look for great intellectual nourishment from a parasite , just as it would be to expect the delicacies of romantic love in the company of a hired prostitute .
5 Just as it would be inexact to draw an absolute contrast between the agendas of private subversion and public conformity , so too it would be a failure of record not to point out the relation between electoral behaviour and discussion of policy and government .
6 It went through cleavage just as it would have done in contact with its sister-cell …
7 Such ‘ greater detail ’ would include things like recognition of the individual dog by its own voice , the depth of its excitement and so on , just as it would with ourselves .
8 What can be said for them is that if the High Priest is acting in the fullest awareness at present attainable by his people , it is right for him to perform the sacrifice , just as it would be right for a Western onlooker to try to dissuade him ; he is not like a Nazi who has voluntarily shut himself off from the knowledge of biology and history and the personal sensitivity attained by the culture of the Weimar Republic .
9 The answer to the first question determines how the second should be answered , he argues , for if a recognised morality is crucial to the continued existence of society ( and this is clearly what he is arguing ) , then just as it would use the law to safeguard any other essential part of its structure , so ‘ society has a prima facie right to legislate against immorality as such ’ .
10 In this way , if you stray from the healthy diet , you will know immediately ; your body will protest and send you a clear message , just as it would if you were too hot or too cold .
11 I shall assume that the zoological species Homo sapiens is indeed a unity in the sense that in the hypothetical absence of all cultural restraints interbreeding between the members of any randomly selected human population of randomly selected individuals would be random , just as it would be in a randomly selected pack of mongrel dogs provided always that particular individual dogs were prevented from asserting dominance over their neighbours .
12 Would n't look too good , just as it would n't look too good to the Führer if the facts came to his attention . ’
13 Just as it might have been possible for you also , madame , ’ he had said .
14 So there is still an uncomfortably strong possibility that the Yugoslav confrontation may end messily , perhaps even bloodily , just as it might in the Soviet Union , where Yugoslav events are followed with special interest .
15 Your entitlement to redundancy pay will depend on the factors referred to above , just as it will if you are dismissed during the trial period for a reason connected with the changed terms of employment .
16 As with so much work with old people , it is attention to detail which counts : it may make the difference between safety and danger , just as it will between comfort and discomfort .
17 Wrath turned on that Prime Minister when it was realised that he was not right , just as it will turn on the present Prime Minister .
18 ‘ It will be up to you how much you participate , just as it will be up to you how far you are prepared to go in our health and safety campaigns . ’
19 Television , it should be remembered , can conserve and celebrate just as it can abbreviate and denature .
20 I need not pursue these issues further here , however , as the results already cited are enough to establish that , given appropriate circumstances , verbal pre-training can influence performance on a recognition task just as it can on a motor task involving discrimination among the pre-trained stimuli .
21 Even if the child is difficult , the court can order a blood test if it is clearly in the interests of the child , just as it can order an operation in the case of a ward of court .
22 It knew that I could sense it , just as it can sense me . ’
23 In some cases , vibrational progressions may be observed , and careful analysis of the nature of the vibrations involved can give us an idea of both the symmetry and any changes in structure associated with the transition , just as it can for a band in a valence photoelectron spectrum ( Section 6.6.2 ) .
24 Perhaps in one sense it does not matter that he ignored the sometimes vandalistic assaults on the gospel texts by Form-critics and Redaction-critics ; just as it could be seen not to matter that the school of philosophy in which he was reared had been rendered more or less obsolete by the man who — in the year that Lewis was writing The Problem of Pain — had become a professor of philosophy at Cambridge : Ludwig Wittgenstein .
25 Such solitariness was a condition and not a mood , however ; it lay beneath those moments of inexplicable high spirits when Eliot seemed , as Sherek put it , " as gay as a cricket " , just as it could be combined with apparent activity and " busyness " in the world .
26 It could be the answer for them all , just as it could be the answer for Len Seager . ’
27 It was just as I had remembered it for over thirty years , it was just as it used to appear at least once a week at lunch in the Paris household where I spent two years of my youth with a greedy Norman family : two years of study interspersed with the most trying of family meals , endless and infinitely to be dreaded but for the blessed beauty of the food .
28 She sat with the blood thudding in her ears , just as it used to do when her mother began a tirade , and prayed for the impossible , for the carriage to be overturned , for it to be the wrong night , for her to develop a sudden and dangerous illness .
29 Everything was just as it should be .
30 A final glance at the cavity bed reassured her that it looked just as it should .
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