Example sentences of "just that [pers pn] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It 's not just that we 're going to write articles about EastEnders , but what we 're interested in is EastEnders , The Bill , Brookside , because a lot of people actually watch these programmes , and there is clearly a way in which programmes do seem to be referencing each other and dealing with similar topics .
2 It 's just that we 're going to make it into a theatre . ’
3 ‘ It 's just that we 're not a noise band , ’ adds Mike , ‘ we do n't jump around the place but we 're totally comfortable with going out on a stage . ’
4 I had a friend — well , I still do , it 's just that we 're temporarily out of touch — called Alison .
5 I was just gon na say Dick , can you , I 'll , I 'll give you a ring back it 's just that we 're in the middle of eating
6 ‘ It 's just that we are having a party — after the competition , ’ she added hastily .
7 But , ‘ It is just that we are in sympathy , ’ he said .
8 ‘ It is just that we are wary of strangers in the city these days , with so many of the surrounding folk seeking safety behind the walls , and the … the Sellswords flocking to Sergius 's banner whether the Duke condones it or no .
9 It was just that we were all so fond of her .
10 ‘ It was just that we were strangers and awkward with each other , whereas Suzie was malleable .
11 Well we 're not saying that we would n't have turned up it 's just that we were unable to turn up .
12 He still has n't had it through , cos we were yes , yes , big improvement , it was just that we were arranging visiting and things like that and er whether there 's any need to do certain things , so er , but he 's still on a , he 's come off all his painkillers his morphine 's out completely , that 's fantastic is n't it ?
13 It 's not that they 're his nappies and he wets them — it 's nothing to do with that — it 's just that they 're endless .
14 It 's not that the expressions are n't spontaneous or genuine , Bernice said to herself , it 's just that they 're edited .
15 It is n't that we have n't any standards left in my time ; it 's just that they 're different , do n't you see that ?
16 Oh yes , there ha , I mean there are economies of scale in agriculture , it 's just that they 're , the scope of them er , is less than er the scope in manufacturing so I mean , farms used to be a lot smaller and throughout this century , this last century we 've witnessed an increase in farm size alright , but the I think the optimal , the optimal farm size is erm , I think it 's about three hundred hectares okay , er erm , with three hundred hectares you 'll produce a , a pretty squit proportion of erm total output but farms used to be sort of one , two , three , ten hectares in size as we 've gone through the farms have amalgamated and increased in size and that 's primarily due to economies of scale , but there are a great deal of economies to be reached , once you 've got a combine harvester , once you 've got big machinery alright .
17 They 're nice chocolates it 's just that they 're all soft centres and Tony only likes nutty and hard ones .
18 In fact , it does n't matter what the thought is , what predicate I ascribe to them , just that they are the object of some kind of thought .
19 It 's not that the jokes are not funny , but just that they are about as fresh as a tin of those pineapple chunks .
20 Just that they are worthy of debate is , itself , an unusual compliment .
21 The first problem here is that the brevity of Scaevola 's response ( even by his standards three words is modest ) leaves it unclear whether he means that the debtors are not freed from any liability , or whether it is just that they are not freed from liabilities contracted after the first will was made .
22 This does not mean that plants can read our minds , just that they are sensitive to mood and general mental-emotional vibration .
23 After all , some dot matrix printers can actually produce a greater number of dots per inch than a page printer , it 's just that they are bigger dots and tend to overlap .
24 And so really it is no different , just that they are making a song about it .
25 It 's just that they were not inclined to help him out .
26 It was just that they were all in profile and virtually identical .
27 It was n't Lloyds fault , it was just that they were complying with the original P E P regulations about reporting and , and er so on , so they had to charge more .
28 Just that she 's not as daft as she looks . ’
29 Then he said , ‘ It 's nothing to do with what 's right or wrong , just that she 's old and she 's got nowhere to go . ’
30 Yeah , so I said well you know because I was thinking oh god if I go to college and she 's off bloody sick all the time , but I think it 's just that she 's tired and you know
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