Example sentences of "just in [noun sg] i " in BNC.

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1 Going back to the railway station was for the moment out of the question , just in case I bumped into someone who recognized me .
2 Always say to yourself , ‘ I will select a field just in case I do n't find lift . ’
3 This had already been binned but I binned the offer as well , just in case I ever came close to considering it seriously .
4 I had lunch and then sat on the wheelbarrow swatting flies , neither willing to go further out of my way , nor to return , just in case I was on the right track .
5 I am really glad of it ; I do n't think I would want them to be there , just in case I lost .
6 I spend my life in supermarkets — buying food I 'll probably never eat , but buy just in case I might want to eat it .
7 And just in case I may say things I 'll be sorry for , I 'd better not go on , except for one last word .
8 You know , just in case I need to get in touch . ’
9 This is really this is really just in case I fall asleep .
10 So far I 'd managed to avoid giving him the exact address , but now he asked for it with a determined note in his voice — " Just in case I 'm down that way " and I was forced to invent one , praying that he 'd never check up on it .
11 One more person would n't make any difference to the arrangements , for Rob had thought it wise to cater for up to eight extra guests — ‘ Just in case I 'm more popular than I think I am , ’ he 'd laughed .
12 Seven o'clock in the morning at seven o'clock till four , I think it was and then er it would be two till ten , you see , but the Stationmaster was always about just in case I was late er you know , not there by seven .
13 ‘ Actually , I happen to have-a flask of Scotch on me , just in case I broke down on the road …
14 Just in case I had n't made this absolutely clear , I added , ‘ I 'll never forgive you and I 'll never apologize to you and I 'll never do anything you say . ’
15 The kind the military use , just in case I do want to play the major . ’
16 He put a forefinger to his temple to illustrate thinking , just in case I was n't following .
17 You probably all knew this … but just in case I thought I 'd let you know .
18 Fine , just in case I 'm running over a little bit .
19 So much so that she decided to call the police and give them my registration number , just in case I made a habit of kerb-crawling .
20 ‘ I wonder if we should take out an insurance policy , just in case I might be expecting twins … ? ’
21 but he give them to me just in case I do
22 Right then you know where you are I always I always have a pie with me just in case I get hungry .
23 today I 'll do my hair tomorrow just in case I was going
24 I would n't want to try smoking just in case I liked it cos I would n't want to .
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