Example sentences of "just [adv] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 It 's just literally about a twenty minute session .
2 He yelped shrilly and dropped his guard just sufficiently for a sword , swung by a surprised opponent , to skewer him .
3 Final preparation of the bud consists of cutting square the top tip of the bud shield , and lightly bending back the other tongue end just enough for a tiny sliver of pith wood behind the eye to lift .
4 ‘ I 'm just in for a few tests , ’ he said .
5 She was just in for a fine and it was her first time .
6 In a situation in which no one party is likely to be in an overall majority in the Commons then the electorate is just not in a position where it can realistically choose between alternative programmes and alternative teams of leaders sure in the knowledge that the winning team will be available to form a government and eager to try and implement its electoral programme .
7 You know when you just do , er I 'm , I am absolutely knackered and I do n't know just not in a very good mood .
8 Just just for a couple of weekends to see how many actual calls we do get .
9 Just just as a matter of interest , Graham , I was looking at the er , the rates yesterday , cos I 've been paying my mortgage over ten ye , over the last eleven years , and erm , bearing in mind the premiums I 've been paying before my endowments would have been er , er , you 'd expect to be more recent , because I was er , young
10 We have to make a decision on those responses just like in a normal network .
11 I 'm just off for a coffee .
12 So is Adam just off for a week or is it a fortnight ?
13 No , just off for a week .
14 There may be more to this than meets the eye ( if you 'll excuse the pun ) as just once in a while I have taken zander during the daytime in water that has been so clear that I would have rated my chances as zero .
15 Sometimes , when he thought he might die , as Eileen had died , some deep and insatiable curiosity about life and living in him , some craving to take with him a deeper knowledge of women and their essence made him long to lie in love with her , to taste the sweetness of her mystery , to see the world just once from a vantage point where the lost and lonely flesh that is man and woman comes together in a healing synthesis .
16 No the erm none of your papers to the committee concentrated on the the compensation er proposals from the Good report , and as you know it 's a scheme er which is proposed to be restric restricted to losses ari arising from fraud , theft and intentional misappropriation of assets and is just up to a limit of ninety per cent .
17 The paper that went to er C C S M T , erm was really a similar one but just partly with a bit more erm details .
18 She thought of the way Guy had left her just now without a word of reassurance or explanation .
19 ‘ No , just out for a pint or two .
20 But whether you 're backpacking with all your camping gear , food and so on or just out for a day walk , it pays to take the trouble to assess your requirements before buying .
21 The Hon. Member for Renfrew , West and Inverclyde ( Mr. Graham ) who is just out for a moment , made a particular point to which I should like to respond .
22 ‘ We were just out for a picnic and bit of sightseeing .
23 Do you really think Nevil was just out for a stroll when he saw your cab ?
24 We were just out for a ride , We came here by accident .
25 But I 've been up the road every day this week , not shopping but just out for a walk , you know ?
26 I draw a line between investigators and liquidators who are just out on a fishing expedition . ’
27 And despite the suits , which give them the air of ex-cons , just out from a time-warping jail sentence , they also seem younger than their 50 years apiece .
28 Late that afternoon she had a telephone call from Joe Martin , just back from a trip to New York .
29 We 've an Italian flavour for our first rugby action of the new season because Gloucester are just back from a two match trip to Venice .
30 Mr Cormack is just back from a conference of academics held at Turku , a Finnish port on the Baltic coast east of Helsinki , where he and his colleague , Robert Osborne , gave a paper on the pattern of higher education here .
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