Example sentences of "just [vb past] [pron] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I just respected him as being one of the top people maybe the top person in the trade .
2 When machines went funny you just oiled them or prodded them or , if nothing else worked , hit them with a hammer .
3 He just asked me if I knew where she was and then I watched him disappear out of the room .
4 I just asked him if he wanted margarine and he said no
5 but er , as I say I ca n't remember precisely , I just scanned it and give it to Mick who was out the door like , Lesley put her house up for a hundred and twenty six erm , one how much is it ?
6 Erm , I just read it or
7 David had a prawn salad sandwich and a cheese and onion sandwich and I 'm not kidding you , the sandwich was like that , they just filled it and it was
8 just dropped us and waved to us
9 I work in Chipping Norton at the Presbytery and erm it just amazed me that she could tell someone not to smoke .
10 Eleanor had discussed this reaction with Nigel , hoping that he 'd volunteer to do all the phoning in future , but he just assured her that his marriage was an open one .
11 I just painted it and I 'll go over it with the black .
12 He did n't have to scream at people to get his way ; he just told them and he knew that they knew they had better do it that way or there was gon na be trouble ! ’
13 so she just told me that so I 'll have all the news of Colin tomorrow they 've gone for a week
14 I do n't know I have n't looked at the invitation , he just told me when he came home from school he 'd got a party .
15 I just told him that I badly needed five hundred pounds . "
16 There was no point telling Mom that , because whenever she did so her mother just told her that everyone needed to study and her grades would drop if she stopped .
17 I just told her that she looked like everyone else , although I 'm sure that was n't what she wanted to hear .
18 I just told her that it might be interesting for me to get to know something of France , after all I was still young for University Entrance and could probably arrange to do some of the work here .
19 But it bothered her , because Naylor You'll-do-as-I-say Massingham had as good as just told her that either she shut up and went along with everything he said , even to the extent of pretending to be engaged to him , or he would dismiss her !
20 It is the two hundred and twenty five , but how could we calculate that from just looking at , if they just told us and you did n't use the protractor .
21 I just told you that I did Madge 's house , did n't I ?
22 He just ignored her and Maggie felt the quiverings of alarm grow and turned to leave .
23 But I just ignored him and , watched the telly .
24 Dr Mirabilis just ignored him and held up his hands , calming the clamour and good natured cat calls .
25 Well what I tried last weekend , not quite crying but I did a sort of moody sort of thing , I di I was really quiet and I just ignored everyone and I was like really like you know did n't say a word .
26 I just joined it after we came over but
27 He walked away without responding to that and Ruth just hated it when he left her snappy bitchiness hanging in the air with no place to go .
28 Cos I just opened it and when I were just
29 He was the first big money(950,000) signning by Allan Clark , personally I think Clark just signed him because everybody else was spending absurd amounts money on crap , this was about the time malcolm allison was spending 1 to 2 million quid every other week on unknown bits of shit , so clarke thought lets join in .
30 No I just heard it as I was going walking past the pub and it was on .
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