Example sentences of "just [vb pp] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now independent taxation , as you may know , came in , we 're now in ninety three four , I 've only just altered the heading because very little else has changed and I 'm a lazy so and so I ca n't rewrite it just for the heading .
2 Probably the most useful indicator on a shoot is the one which shows whether or not you are actually recording pictures — it 's easy to forget whether you have just pressed the camera control on or off !
3 REBECCA Stephens may have just conquered the world 's tallest mountain — but she insisted last night she had no plans to end her climbing career on a high note .
4 And he was out there for about three years , he come back home and of cou just travelled the country , again working on the farms and that .
5 I goes ah just broken the indicator lens and a few other little bitties .
6 Their assumption that ‘ he knows what he has done wrong ’ is based on the fact that Rover is slinking along the floor with its head and tail down looking for all the world like a naughty school boy who 's just broken the headmaster 's window .
7 I 've just broken the record for writing more books than any English author has ever done .
8 He had just broken the news to them about Philpott .
9 Seb should have been overjoyed at the news that Anna was not to marry the educated young gipsy , but he knew that unless Boz explained it to her — preferably in a more diplomatic way than the manner with which he had just broken the news to Seb — she would be devastated .
10 He 's just broken the news to parents in a letter to each family .
11 So I really wanted to nail the bastard — preferably with the cooperation of my team-mates just to prove the point — but the fucking technology let me down and the gun jammed and he had me pinned , firing shot after shot at me , and finally I gave up trying to un-jam the gun and made to throw it at him though I could hardly see because there was yellow paint all over my visor , but he ducked and tripped and sat down on a trunk , holding his stomach , and the bastard was laughing his socks off because I looked like a giant dripping banana , only I 'd just realised the gun was n't jammed after all , the safety catch was on .
12 I 've just given the whole of life a miss for nearly a year , all because of bloody Adrian .
13 It was the following weekend and Rachel was helping her father , who had just given the lawn its last cut before winter , to dispose of the grass cuttings on the compost heap at the bottom of the garden .
14 ‘ I 've just given the barman his own show on the telly , ’ he explained , handing them around .
15 English National Opera has just given the world premiere of Robin Holloway 's Clarissa , after the Richardson novel , while next month the Almeida Festival will introduce The Intelligence Park by the Irish composer Gerald Barry , one of the most distinctive and exciting of the younger Europeans .
16 Cleaning may consist of a quick dust or ‘ whip round ’ for the harassed housewife , and to some eyes at least it will still look as though the house has been cleaned — hence the expression ‘ eye service ’ ( 'I 've just given the house eye service today' ) .
17 Sally Morrisey , the night sister , had just completed the hand-over as Lindsey walked into Reception .
18 The director of Knossos 2000 , Dr Ken Wardle , who has many years experience of digging in Greece and who has just completed the excavation of the prehistoric settlement of Assiros Toumba in Macedonia , commenting on the importance of the project , told The Art Newspaper , ‘ Apart from the potential of the site itself , the project will provide an opportunity to focus research on the history and archaeology of Roman provincial cities in Greece , which have largely been neglected in favour of those of the Classical and Hellenistic periods ’ .
19 The Regional Council has just completed the provision of the first phase of access and servicing to the site , and is able to offer up to 4 development plots for sale or lease .
20 Leafing through the results of 13 years work — editor Lesley Brown and 25 assisstant editors have just completed the job of updating the shorter Oxford English Dictionary .
21 Two of the best-remembered things in it are Emma 's adulterous drive in the curtained cab ( a passage found especially scandalous by right-thinkers ) , and the very last line of the novel — ‘ He has just received the Legion of Honour ’ — which confirms the bourgeois apotheosis of the pharmacist Homais .
22 I 've just received the fixture list from Elland Rd ( yellow card this year ) .
23 Cos it really has been extremely well managed , extremely well run , er not by me I 've just received the ballot papers .
24 When I had just erected the tent , Paddy laid aside his empty plate , strolled over , opened a locker and , with an expression of humorous disgust , peered inside and said , ‘ What d' you keep in there ?
25 All the facts of the case will be fresh in his mind and he will have just heard the mitigation of counsel .
26 well you 've just heard the forecast , if it 's freezing fog , were not going out
27 As you 've just heard the motive behind the killing of Agnes Law was robbery .
28 In the forty third minute , Foyle volleyed wide from fifteen yards when really he should have been on target after receiving from Magilton , and as referee Taylor was looking at his whistle to blow it for half time , United skipper , Steve Foster drove forward from the edge of the penalty area , shrugged off a couple of challenges , hit a good low shot , seemingly under the body of Gosney , but Gosney 's body just halted the flow of the ball .
29 But she said they 've let it to people and they 've just wrecked the inside of it !
30 Oh look you always get these people we have just witnessed the top London club suffering a humiliating defeat at the hands of .
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