Example sentences of "just [vb pp] [pron] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Well you 've just you 've just er allow you 've just said something that allows me er to bring in er the way in which we approach advertising sales er Robert because er all of us who 've been in tra traditional sales , and I 'm I 'm just er that was my background as well er in addition to recruitment , er we are not used to giving everything over the phone before we go to see the people .
2 You 've just said yourself that all I did was try the windows .
3 ‘ You 've just said yourself that times are hard in the development industry .
4 It has just told me that the trial has proved successful and that it will shortly make the address service available nationwide .
5 A friend has just told me that you should not wear tampons overnight as it can lead to toxic shock syndrome .
6 I can see from what you 've just told me that things have changed rather a lot in fifty years .
7 ‘ He has just told me that if I continue in my present path , remain the fine , upstanding , clean-living boy I so evidently am , I may one day hope — wait for it — to be elected to — Gracious heavens ! — the Cullbridge Athenaeum ! ’
8 ‘ You 've just told me that the girls phone their mother every night .
9 I had just told him that on my arrival in South Africa I received a pressing invitation to Rhodesia , where I am now writing .
10 Can your client live without an income , they 've just convinced you that they ca n't , they now want to know about this Health Master .
11 You 've just asked me that , and I 've told you !
12 I 've just informed him that he can work longer if he wants , I thought smart move .
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