Example sentences of "only [that] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 I do not mean that they do not differentiate between dog and man , only that we have become integrated into their already existing , instinctive mental-behavioural patterns .
2 ‘ The sobering thought , as decades turn , ’ says social psychologist Duncan Cramer , ‘ is not only that we have less time to live , but that options also narrow . ’
3 I feel only that we have taken a wrong direction somewhere , and are blindly stumbling on because our leaders blindfold us .
4 Of course during the er during the course of this year we will be considering prototypes which will enable those young people to reach that high level of qualification but he will be aware that under the national training and education target there are some of those targets which are directly related to the points that he has raised and the important priority for this government is to ensure not only that we have young people training to an even higher level but through programmes like investors in people , that we encourage every member of the work force and those er who are primarily unemployed at the present time , to train to even higher levels of qualifications .
5 Bonefish Straker reckoned that some Bahamian kids must have stolen the boat as a means of getting home , but we would never know who had wrecked her , only that they had removed a dinghy load of gear including her chronometer , sextant , VHF , barometer , spare sails , lines , fenders , and even the mattress off the starboard quarter-berth .
6 They acknowledged only that they had been playing loud music and having innocent fun .
7 However , in an official joint statement Shar " and Genscher stated only that they had discussed " the situation in the Middle East , the state of the Middle East peace process and bilateral questions " .
8 We had owned the Sumatras for just a few months , but already we had seen that they are volatile and eccentric birds , much given to sudden screech-ups and bouts of cackling , which in other chickens would denote the arrival of an egg , but from them seem to signify only that they have given themselves a fright .
9 It is not therefore assumed that people have a' consciousness ' ( false or otherwise ) or a system or knowledge about the outside world , but only that they have a more or less adequate collection of competences in dealing with particular instances of it .
10 A comparison of the three Gospels shows not only that they have a great deal in common but also that , in many cases , the wording of individual stories is either identical or very similar ( for example , compare Mark 2:3–12 ; Matt.
11 They have forgotten who they are , knowing only that they have been trapped by an evil enchanter .
12 This is not to say that the contributions which social scientists may make to solving particular technical problems , or enlarging the sphere of rational decision making , should be dismissed altogether ; only that they have to be seen in the wider context of political contestation and choice .
13 It meant only that one had to stay inside the school and stroll through the grounds a couple of times .
14 She could n't really remember anything , only that she had been knitting and then she had woken up in this bed with her nosy , bossy sister sitting beside her .
15 But she had no wish to go further into the pseudo-science , and did not know the hour of her birth anyway — only that she had Sol in Cancer .
16 Liza did not know how she got back to her billet , only that she had bicycled so fast and furiously that , as she flung herself on her bed , she thought , grimly , that if anyone had reason to miscarry at that juncture it was she herself .
17 She did not know exactly how she had arrived at the last overwhelming conviction , only that she had .
18 I wished only that she had spoken to me before .
19 Now I come to think of it , I do n't know much about her family at all — only that she 's got a sister and a mother somewhere in the States . ’
20 Regan declares her love to be identical with Goneril 's , only that she has understated it ( we had scarce thought it possible to go beyond Goneril ) : To claim that your love for your father exceeds all the joys which can be derived from the senses — with your newly wedded husband standing by — is to claim too much .
21 Only that he 'd been abroad .
22 Only that he 'd known you , that you might like to have the letters and the statue . ’
23 This changed when he became aware not only that he had a personal problem , but that he was that problem .
24 Delaney scrambled to his feet , lurching from the effects of shock and concussion , knowing only that he had to be sure ; had to see it dead .
25 Rufus could not remember the man 's name , only that he had been the second visitor to Wyvis Hall , the gardener being the first .
26 And it was not only that he had not got what he had hoped for , nor was it the jealousy which made him feel unsure .
27 Held , dismissing the appeal , that to sustain a plea of autrefois convict a defendant had to prove not only that he had already been found guilty of the offence charged by a court of competent jurisdiction , either by the decision of the court or verdict of the jury or entry of his own plea of guilty , but also that the court had finally disposed of the case by passing sentence or making some other order ; that since the proceedings on the first indictment had been discontinued before sentence had been passed there had been no final adjudication and the defendant had properly been convicted on the second indictment ; but that , in all the circumstances , particularly having regard to the lapse of time between trial and determination of the appeal to the Judicial Committee , it would be appropriate for the death sentence to be commuted ( post , pp. 931D–E , 935H ) .
28 I was slumped against him , almost fainting , conscious only that he had led me behind a red-brick loggia , obviously so that we would be out of sight of the people in the main concourse while he dispatched me .
29 No one — not the Seven nor Hal Shepherd — knew how he really felt about the matter , only that he had refused to see Tolonen since that day ; that he had exiled him immediately and appointed a new General , Vittorio Nocenzi , in his place .
30 He shook his head , not understanding , knowing only that he had never seen his father sleeping .
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