Example sentences of "only [vb infin] [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Relax ’ may only have become a scandal when the BBC in belated confusion ( and in response to teasing video clips ) banned it , but singers Holly Johnson and Paul Rutherford promote an explicitly gay image , and ‘ Two Tribes ’ was a pointed response to nuclear defence policy .
2 I saw a live TV transmission of Il trovatore from the Metropolitan in New York a few weeks ago that can only have confirmed a lot of people 's worst prejudices about opera — dull production , dull filming , all wrapped round with a certain amount of superstar hype .
3 Thus , if pursuant to the will of X the property is vested in Y as legatee and Y subsequently sells the property for £550,000 , Y will only have made a taxable gain ( subject to the indexation allowance ) of £50,000 .
4 But Mr Lawson and the Bank may only have bought a week for sterling .
5 For if Eliot 's debt to the French poets went beyond an easy charting of ‘ influences ’ , or the neat and better than neat adaptation of French lines ( for instance , from Laforgue ) into English , it could only have meant an elimination from poetry of any notion of ‘ message ’ .
6 It would only have taken a word and the simple , undeniable proof .
7 ‘ If she had married before she died , the sister would only have got a small legacy .
8 But when you have a situation where youngsters of 12 or 13 — and in some cases even younger — who may only have won a couple of matches , are being offered $500,000 guarantees to sign up with one of the management companies before they are snapped up by one of the rival agents , the potential for long term damage is enormous . ’
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