Example sentences of "only really [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No , I never saw lads er , er , the game that seemed most popular with us , I do n't know whether you have , it 's nothing only really hopping across the road .
2 Except in the press room and hospitality suite , on the fifteenth floor , the festival only really existed during the twice-daily theatre events and at dinner .
3 And I can only really regret with er with hindsight that er we as a District Council did n't pursue our point er more vigorously , erm as our general approach to these matters is er to cooperate as far as we possibly can rather than enter into conflict , and I think that perhaps we had n't given as much emphasis to er the er our views as we ought to have done .
4 So y w feel free now to ask questions I mean , you must have something that worries you about about this partic I can only really talk about the exam .
5 Merton only really came into his own , though , when his quirky ( ‘ surreal ’ if we must ) vision of the world was put within the confines of the broadcast medium .
6 This work , however , only really came to fruition in Engels 's famous book The Origin of the Family , Private Property and the State , a book which although written after Marx 's death was extensively based on his notes .
7 Therefore , students generally only really looked to housing benefit to top up their accommodation needs and only then if they were in property not owned by their college .
8 I 'd only really think about taking action if someone completely ripped off one of our songs and made heaps of money from it
9 We only really suffer with the shooting , whereas the others are soldiers and it 's definitely their discipline .
10 However , in the PC world , these need extra processing power that would otherwise be available for the application and only really come into their own with the PC/AT or even the ‘ 386 models .
11 Elton claims that the ‘ scientific , ordered , systematic study of history only really began in the 19th century ’ and he particularly mentions Namier and Maitland as two historians who ‘ brought a scientific and intellectual approach to the study of history ’ .
12 That is , the person who is selling the product and service can persuade potential clients to buy the service , and it is only really limited by the quality of people selling the service .
13 In this chapter we have only really attended to the negative , critical , edge of left theory in so far as it challenges rival perspectives on parties and pressures .
14 Apart from the goal , he was only really tested on one other occasion , making a good stop at the feet of Dinamo 's other winger , Artchil Arveladze , just before Haylock equalised .
15 The possibility of attracting outside investment only really exists for a corporate entity and this is likely to be a further reason for surveyors ' considering various comparisons between the partnership and corporate structure for the running of their businesses .
16 But we 'll only really worry about the last page if you
17 Some have been accused — rightly or wrongly — of preferring not to sell all their available time rather than to reduce their price , and most areas now follow a practice which can only really work in a seller 's market — ‘ pre-emption ’ .
18 Thus , along with several of his contemporaries at the Palace , Ronnie Dunn was only really appreciated by the Palace fans and not on the bigger stages that his prowess deserved .
19 Osvaldo , said Martinho , had only really bloomed in his last year at the seminary and — truly — in Africa .
20 Peter Chapple-Hyam , his trainer , says that Rodrigo de Triano , winner of the Middle Park Stakes , has only really come to himself this week .
21 So for the BBC-designed Dalek the all-important inspiration could only really come from one source ; Raymond Cusick .
22 Keith could n't give a damn about anything but the music and I think Peter only really got into it when it was financially viable , ’ she says .
23 ‘ What would you do if you were going with someone and you liked them but you did n't love them or anything but you were only really going with them because if you did n't you 'd get so much heat … ’
24 I think in terms of schools it only really applies to special schools , I think once y even in some of the small independents , once you get over about forty or fifty , then you 're gon na have enough contacts
25 Darklands is a valiant attempt to create something new , but will only really appeal to a very limited ( and dedicated audience ) .
26 ‘ Obviously it would be good to look at more examples from different cultures , but it 's such a huge subject , in ten weeks you can only really deal with the tip of the iceberg .
27 A relaxed , informal atmosphere prevails , with energy only really needed for a walk to the beach — 500 yards away down 300 steps .
28 The dining room , with its pale marbled walls and black and glass furniture , has survived from its first overhaul as it is only really used for entertaining and for Ella 's piano practice .
29 Yeah I mean like when I was in the park I only did it between because I was only really talking to one person at one time , but I mean like I could n't remember anywhere .
30 We had only really talked to Mr Postman on the regular occasions — Dusshera , Diwali , Christmas , New Year — that he came looking for tips , but were flattered by the invitation and out of curiosity decided to take it up .
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