Example sentences of "only some [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If such cells develop as they do because they contain only some of the genes — for example , just the genes for being a gut cell — then a nucleus from such a cell could not substitute for an egg nucleus .
2 The government may have only some of the of the authority it claims , it may have more authority over one person than over another .
3 The misleadingly alarming appearance of our conclusions results from the fact that they show that where conformity is called for it is based only some of the time , and less often than is often imagined , on the legitimate authority of the government , and often on other considerations .
4 There 's no point in killing only some of the goats , because of their fantastic ability to rebuild their numbers .
5 Devereux is open on this question , though he admits that we know of only some of the ‘ invisible and subtler forces that course through creation ’ and even those we are beginning to discover can occur in contexts with which we are unfamiliar .
6 Only some of the leaves are stripped , however , as it is through the foliage that the vine breathes , and the cultivator must use his skill to decide which leaves to strip .
7 The weakness of the Marquandite ‘ new vision ’ for a party of the left is that it neglects not only some of the values that underpin Labour 's ‘ old vision ’ , but the constituency whose votes can be rallied in support of them .
8 France , Australia , Hong Kong , South Africa , Italy , Canada and USA were only some of the nations represented .
9 They constitute only some of the ingredients in the evaluation and diagnostic processes .
10 Pupils with mild or moderate levels of visual problems are likely to need only some of the adaptations listed ( for example , closed circuit television will not be needed ) , but they will benefit from an environment and materials that are clear in visual terms .
11 Suits , coats , dresses , boots , shoes , bicycles , tools , furniture , companion sets , china , ornaments , pictures , stuffed parrots , music-boxes and linen were only some of the things that caught the eye and sometimes an elbow .
12 The company claims that its system software and hardware is functionally compatible with applications software written for the Macintosh — only some of the most widely used ones have been tested , and the company provides a list of these — but it uses OSF/Motif as the graphical interface rather than a direct copy of the Mac screen .
13 Note that only some of the additional text rows created by lexicographic activity in the Working-Set are copied back to the Main Database .
14 Only some of the truth
15 Our title was ‘ Only some of the truth : ‘ We must protect the artist 's name , image and market ’ ’
16 In this chapter we shall examine only some of the more important types of stratification structure .
17 Disposition of territory and offices , public works , enforced residence in Edo , were only some of the means used to prevent daimyo from becoming too powerful .
18 Some — such as NATO and OECD — include nations from other continents ; others include only some of the nations of western Europe .
19 And in the Old Testament the critic has , at best , only some of the sources ( e.g. the book of Kings used by the author of Chronicles ) .
20 Just as the grammarian 's ‘ data ’ can not contain any variable phenomena , so the grammar must have categorial rules , and not ‘ rules ’ which are true only some of the time .
21 A matrix sampling approach is used which results in no more than 12 students in a school being tested , and then on only some of the test material .
22 To him , the " checks and balances " of Natural Selection were only some of the forces operating in what he saw as the evolution of spirit or mind through matter .
23 Some arbitrageurs may be prepared to short sell only some of the shares in the index .
24 Deutsch has also made arrangements with King 's College Cambridge and the Society of Authors , acting on behalf of the estate of E M Forster , to renew and continue publication of the Abinger Edition of E M Forster , which will include not only some of the earlier works , but also the first publication of material contained in the King 's College Forster archives .
25 The range of student ‘ learning ’ strategies explored covers only some of the lower and intermediate stages of intellectual growth I have just outlined .
26 Major educational work took place outside Education Departments in recently formed Applied Linguistics groups associated with Linguistics ( Edinburgh and Reading ) , Language and Linguistics ( Essex ) , English and Linguistics ( Lancaster ) or English ( Birmingham ) to name only some of the more prominent sources of applied linguistic expertise within Arts or Social Science faculties rather than Education .
27 We have explored only some of the areas but it should be sufficient to establish the need for more comprehensive research into the use of community languages outside the domain of the family and the community .
28 This means that a search may retrieve items which are indexed under only some of the terms in the search , although any records containing all the terms are output first and described as " matching your search closely . "
29 These are only some of the landmarks in the deregulation process but they are enough to enable us to understand the Governor 's argument .
30 The organization of the state is not all social organization ; the ends for which the state stands are not all the ends which humanity seeks ; and quite obviously , the ways in which the state pursues its objects are only some of the ways in which within society men strive for the objects of their desire .
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