Example sentences of "only be [verb] as " in BNC.

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1 It is a sadly neglected work , and again the only serious alternative to Järvi is Stravinsky 's Chicago recording which like the Jeu can only be obtained as part of a mammoth 22-CD Sony set of virtually all Stravinsky 's major works ( totally indispensable though that is ) .
2 Underpinning should only be accepted as a last resort when all other reasonable options have been considered .
3 In places where the RCN is not recognised then representation can only be given as a ‘ friend ’ .
4 Binary signals can only be transmitted as the equivalent to ‘ on-off ’ , ‘ yes-no ’ and ‘ 0–1 ’ , for example .
5 The manner in which death came to men , including those innocent of any offence , could be so appalling that the final stroke could only be regarded as a merciful relief .
6 Furthermore , it was felt that the potential costs of providing the necessary microfilming equipment , plus additional staff time , would outweigh any benefits gained , particularly as this could only be regarded as an interim solution before progressing to greater computerisation .
7 From this point of view , which could make no place for miracles understood as cases of divine , supernatural interference with the laws of nature , reports of alleged miracles could only be regarded as evidence of credulity and ignorance on the part of those who originated and passed on the stories .
8 For public transport flights it is a very small risk indeed , but it can only be regarded as a prudent action to take out personal life insurance before one voluntarily exposes oneself to the hazards of flight .
9 In the context of bureaucratic assessment , however , it could only be regarded as ‘ noise in the system ’ .
10 In what can only be regarded as the ultimate pilot 's ‘ Jim 'll fix it ’ fantasy come true , he persuaded the RAF to let him go through key parts of the four-year course that ends with a posting to an operational fighter squadron .
11 And this , in turn , would seem to justify Professor Gaddis 's conclusion that the assumption was that such governments , whether in Western Europe or Japan , and whether or not they came to power by legal or illegal means , could only be regarded as instruments of the Kremlin and hence not truly independent .
12 Not surprisingly therefore , the results of the 1983 survey show that mass unemployment ‘ has created a serious new risk of what can only be regarded as downward social mobility — and that risk is much greater for men in working class positions , by whatever route they come into them , than it is for others ’ ( p. 17 ) .
13 By strict standards , therefore , the memoirs must contain much that can only be regarded as fiction .
14 While most students not in receipt of a job offer were making applications and attending interviews at the time they completed the Initial destinations questionnaires , the fact that one third of students would be looking for employment at the end of the courses can only be regarded as a disappointing , and rather unexpected , finding .
15 I have come to the conclusion that the important points here are that ( i ) since there was no danger at this time in registering a protest , ( ii ) the final payments were made without any qualification , and ( iii ) were followed by a delay until July 31 , 1975 , before the owners put forward their claim , the correct inference to draw , taking an objective view of the facts , is that the action and inaction of the owners can only be regarded as an affirmation of the variation in June , 1973 , of the terms of the original contract by the agreement to pay the additional 10 per cent .
16 To present such fantasy in your article as though it were fact is unworthy of your newspaper and can only be regarded as malicious mischief-making .
17 The irreconcilability of two such extremes in one group of human beings could only be explained as part of the great mystery of human personality .
18 Even if ( and I do not accept this at all ) neutrality could only be justified as a means to a fair contest , it should not be identified with action securing a fair contest .
19 The ERM can only be justified as a stepping-stone towards a Single Currency .
20 Positive assurance on a series of assertions may only be expressed as the outcome of validation procedures .
21 A ballot-paper can only be transferred as the result of a surplus if its value is .01 or more .
22 A bankruptcy order can only be made as a result of a petition for such an order being presented to the court .
23 Eastern Europe does not yet feature strongly in the trusts ' portfolios and according to Amanda Davidson , a partner in independent financial advisers Holden Meehan ( 071–354 2020 ) , it must only be viewed as a very long-term investment .
24 The phrasing of the notes should be treated quite freely throughout , hence the rhythmic notation should only be treated as a general guide .
25 In relation , however , to " a covenanted payment to charity " ( as defined in TA 1988 , s660(3) ) the amount will only be treated as the income of the person making the payments if the period for the payments can not exceed three years ( TA 1988 , s660(2) ) .
26 This means that the relation of ideas and practical problems can only be understood as part of the process of history .
27 They also have a strong international dimension since they argue that these forces are aspects ‘ of the continued development of world economy , an economy which can only be understood as a single , integrated system ’ .
28 Joseph and his Spanish supporters tried to break the fiefs of the occupying generals by sending out civil commissioners , who soon found that , if they were to get anything done at all , it could only be done as subordinates of the generals on the spot .
29 Despite her declaration of a state of emergency yesterday and the government 's announcement early today that the rebels had agreed to return to their barracks , the events of the last six days can only be seen as a colossal confession of weakness on Mrs Aquino 's part .
30 For the lack of overt reference to the ‘ Jewish Question ’ in his major speeches , and the omission of his name as a signatory to the boycott ‘ appeal ’ can only be seen as a deliberate policy to detach the Führer himself in his public image from the violent anti Jewish rhetoric and actions of which he privately approved .
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