Example sentences of "only for their [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , many Serbs were reported to be disappointed with the refusal to introduce a more democratic political system in Yugoslavia 's largest republic , since all but staunch followers of the republic 's President , Slobodan Milosevic , were removed from the electoral lists , and three candidates from the Serbian LC 's umbrella organization , the Socialist Alliance , who were known only for their support of Milosevic , were selected to contest the presidential post in addition to Milosevic himself .
2 We in Britain owe so much to our American allies , not only for their support during the last war , but also today .
3 • Our team of instructors have been chosen not only for their teaching skills , but also for their sympathetic understanding of the needs of our students .
4 Each package is independently analysed by two individuals , chosen not only for their specialist knowledge of the industry but also for their understanding of open learning techniques .
5 These sectors are contrasted not only for their level of perceived risk but also because of their different measures of enforcement .
6 Did Carnelian hope that Jaq or Meh'Lindi would rush , or fire , impetuously — only for their laser beams or needles to pass through the phantom without effect , till they hit some bystander or the Governor 's tabernacle ?
7 If two adults share with two children under 16 , the children stay free — you pay only for their meals .
8 We are not against unions , we are for unions , unions can be very useful not only for their members but also for the management , we recognise that .
9 I am grateful to my colleagues not only for their cooperation in the study but also for their agreement to publish the results .
10 ARs depend heavily on us , not only for their income but for product and technical training , administrative backup , mortgage advice , special guidance in areas such as corporate pensions , compliance with the FSA , sales ideas , day to day motivation , marketing support , general morale boosting and even the occasional lunch !
11 Thus the Paracelsians , who boasted that their account of creation as a process of chemical separation was the only legitimate interpretation of Genesis , incurred Bacon 's displeasure not only for their hijacking of the Bible , but also for the implication that knowledge of nature was in need of biblical support .
12 The whole circular design is set within a square formed by the inner border of an arrangement of repeating geometric panels ( panels which , themselves , are significant not only for their suggestion of links with the continent ( section 4.4 ) and with other simple , geometric designs , but also for their inclusion of eight circular medallions , each of which is reminiscent of the three , minor concentric circular designs listed above ) .
13 I would , before passing on the next part of our programme , I would like to warmly thank Judy and Simon and Richard and Tony , not only for their presentations , their carefully thought out presentations to give us as broad a span as possible of how they see the priorities , what is happening at this time , but for everything else they do in leading their teams and initiating so many of the exchanges that take place , which adds so much , as has been said by , both by Judy and by other speakers , to carry N C V O forward .
14 But what they produced were at best permanent monuments of erudition on which we still draw , and at worst giant-sized pamphlets which are now read , if at all , only for their interest as literature .
15 In Villette , other characters than the narrator are described in great depth , not only for their relationships with Lucy Snowe , but as characters in their own right .
16 And here I state my prejudice over caves : I like those that have cave art or artefacts to show , I like much less those exhibited only for their concretions , their stalagmites , stalactites and other natural forms .
17 To that end we will be providing staff with up to date factual information , often through managers , who can keep staff briefed and explain the implications of the changes , not only for their hospital but for them individually .
18 However , while they remain in the hands of farmers , and while agricultural workers are completely dependent on their employers not only for their jobs but also for housing and education , there can be little hope of real improvement or of community involvement .
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