Example sentences of "only because it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Interval harmony is therefore to be recommended not only because it encourages the horizontal flow of parts and their final resolution into good harmony , but also because the process gives quicker and easier results .
2 The stored or potential energy in a raised weight can be used , for instance , to drive the mechanism of a grandfather clock though in most clocks a spring is usually more convenient , if only because it stores the same amount of energy which ever way up it is .
3 But Mexico got this support only because it had sorted out its economy .
4 It was also the first to be held since the redecoration of the Tuileries had restored the palace to its former splendour ; this it had lost not only because it had been ransacked by the mob in 1848 , but also because it had become shabby during the reign of Louis-Philippe .
5 In the official view , the use of the Swiss timer pointed clearly to Libya , not only because it had been supplied to its security agency in the first place , but because the PFLP — GC favoured a barometric-pressure triggering system for its Toshiba bombs .
6 Socialists and feminists oppose this move , not only because it enables landlords to evict tenants easily and raise rents , but because they recognise that the demise of this sector is , broadly speaking , a result of the decreasing profitability of investment in this sector ( Merrett , 1979 , p.281 ) , not of legislation concerning rent control and tenants ' rights .
7 The voices are few not only because it takes courage to speak out against the tide of opinion , but because few can see the issue in a wider context and take the longer perspective .
8 Edward VI 's Bill of 1547 encountered a great deal of opposition throughout English society not only because it concerned the chantries but also because it struck at the system of confraternities on which much of medieval life was based .
9 The lysosome is called a ‘ suicide bag ’ said Prof Mayer , not only because it digests any waste materials by the use of powerful enzymes but also because this cocktail can kill off the cell .
10 Only because it meant knocking the others over like , you know .
11 Although not strictly speaking within the scope of this book , since it is an entirely artificial substance , enamel needs to be mentioned if only because it served as an alternative to natural stones in enriching jewellery and other symbolic objects .
12 Justification by faith , similarly , is important only because it goes to the heart of what it is to be a follower of Christ .
13 In Aragon 's eyes , the pact was a major step in the direction of peace , not only because it represented a curbing of fascist aggression towards the Soviet Union , but also since it was not in theory incompatible with the signing of a tripartite agreement between France , Great Britain and the USSR . " ,
14 County were battered and bruised , but they still had a bit of bounce left and came back with a goal from Dean Thomas which sent Nicky Hammond the wrong way , only because it took a deflection .
15 Also in Scandinavia was an important study of the mass movement processes on the slopes of Kärkevagge ( Rapp , 1960 ) and this was important not only because it endeavoured to quantify all of the processes that affect a slope in a subarctic environment , but also because it established the relative significance of the different processes and concluded that the most effective agent of removal was running water removing material in solution .
16 In 1960 the Rat Pack — Sinatra , Lawford , Martin , Davis and Bishop — came together to make Ocean 's Eleven , a caper that became a classic only because it featured for the first time the nucleus of the clan .
17 It was on the tip of Jehan 's tongue to suggest that Alexei was allowing himself to be used only because it suited him ; but it was clear that discussing the subject was making Jehana unhappy , and so he said nothing , sitting quietly beside her until suddenly she got up and went into the house .
18 When the campaign opened , it was not immediately obvious which particular issues the parties would choose to stress ; but by the middle of the campaign it was clear that the Conservatives were focusing on defence issues where their policy was so much more popular than Labour 's , if only because it seemed so much simpler to explain .
19 I picked out a selection , deciding on even numbers only because it seemed like a sensible thing to do at the time .
20 As we have already discussed , bright light acts as a time-cue in humans and so might be helping patients not only because it fell in a critical period ( though how this might work is still not known ) , but in addition , or instead , because it adjusted the body clock and so removed a conflict of timing between the patient 's body clock and his sleep/wake rhythm .
21 The Neroccio recently sold in Rome has to be regarded as a forgery , if only because it bears a spurious signature and date .
22 The Reik is actually the longest single river in the Old World , although only because it bears its name from its source in the Upper Reik to where it joins the sea at Marienburg .
23 The Regional Railways order made waves not only because it went to a newcomer in train-building .
24 The Regional Railways order made waves not only because it went to a newcomer in train-building .
25 The Queen and Prince Philip survived it only because it came upon them in middle age — when any youthful indescretion or misbehaviour had long since been enjoyed and then forgotten in the mists of time .
26 Meanwhile the 11 + began to be criticized not only because it divided children up absurdly young into different categories , within which they were more or less trapped , but also because it was intrinsically inequitable .
27 He ( among others ) perceived adolescent labour as an obstacle to efficiency not only because it lacked knowledge of employment opportunities and the ability to distinguish between the merits of different occupations , but also because its inherent ‘ adaptability ’ was ‘ wasted ’ ( always a key notion in National Efficiency circles ) by the ‘ haphazard ’ nature of the transition which left too many youths in dead-end jobs and failed to enrol them in any form of further education .
28 The stone flew in the air across the surface of the water , skimming as free as a bird but only because it bounced on that surface every now and then and refused to sink at the first contact .
29 ‘ We have n't signed anyone yet , only because it 's got to be the right player .
30 For long-distance cruising , the Calibra is the better choice , if only because it has a more absorbent and quieter motorway ride .
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