Example sentences of "could so [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I could so clearly see her coming between you and me , between us and our poetry , and I felt furiously jealous and unhappy but tried not to show it .
2 DeVore returned the bow , then turned , intrigued , wondering what it was about the boy that could so thoroughly spook the seemingly-imperturbable Douglas .
3 It could so nearly have cost him his life .
4 They are determined to find an answer to what could so nearly have been a tragedy .
5 Why bother , when we could so easily pay in cash ?
6 Just see how , in quite innocent conversation , she could so easily trip up !
7 His tongue licked the small nerve-points that he could so easily locate , and she shivered even through the heat .
8 He had begun to feel that Carrie was really growing to love him , and having borne him his first child the future had seemed so promising , but now today he had been reminded that everything he had hoped and prayed for could so easily crumble into dust .
9 It is an important test , for impotence will not only be a poor recommendation of Community cohesion ; it could make it all the more difficult to stem the tide of bloody anarchy that could so easily engulf large tracts of Europe which we recently rejoiced to see set free .
10 There was something alarming in the way an eleven-year-old girl - or ‘ nearly twelve ’ as she kept saying — could so easily comport herself among a press of adults .
11 And with her jealousy came anger that he could so easily hold her in a close embrace while he still had Doreen in his system .
12 In an environment of danger , a touch on the shoulder could so easily mean arrest .
13 It could so easily spill over into civil disorder and violence .
14 And yet Luke 's presence , his magnetism , could so easily eclipse all her reservations about him .
15 She thought she could so easily stay here , learning the ways of Raynor 's people , working with them .
16 Given Wall Street 's wild swings of mood , the fears of recession that were dominant there barely two months ago , and have now see-sawed back to hopes of recovery , could so easily see-saw back .
17 Capirossi realises the pressures of success could so easily damage his plans to retain the 125 crown , and so he 's all the more determined to do everything just as he did in 1990 .
18 I have so looked forward to it , making all the things with Matey , and thinking of what we shall do with the money we make — which is stupid really , when I know that I could so easily give them so much more — But that would be nothing , for what I have done with Matey has been done by me , and not by Papa , for that is what giving them his money would mean .
19 ‘ You have perfectly adequate protection , Colonel , ’ he said in his infuriatingly soft tone of voice , the abrasive Scots edge he could so easily manage gone to be replaced by a soothing , British unflappability .
20 Yet evolutionary science also pointed to the precariousness of moral progress-how it could so easily slip back into animal chaos .
21 Long walks by the sea were needed to shake it all down and shake off the pounds that could so easily accumulate .
22 What he would like even more would be to own the fine boat , the means to support the boat ; and the further means to enjoy a style of life which could so easily include a fine boat , because that would surely embrace fine horses , fine coaches , fine clothes : Wealth .
23 I could so easily pick up a drink .
24 I 'm just frightened because I could so easily pick up a drink .
25 He told Granada TV 's This Morning show : ‘ I 'm just frightened because , God , I could so easily pick up a drink .
26 For a terrible equation prevailed : that which would ultimately save the human race — the evolution of a higher consciousness — was , in its long and vulnerable gestation , exactly what could so easily destroy humanity by letting it be corrupted , polluted , warped and ruined .
27 Furious that a rare kind word from Nathan Bryce could so easily demolish the façade of efficiency and confidence she had worked so desperately hard to maintain , she blinked hard and sucked in a deep breath .
28 Even if one remains within the traditional canon of the eighteenth century , it is hard to believe that a major critic could so easily dispense with Goldsmith , Crabbe , and Burns .
29 I once witnessed an incident that could so easily have been avoided if the pilot had considered a downwind landing as a possible option .
30 He could so easily have hurt himself or irreparably damaged the glider but , in fact , he was very lucky and did surprisingly little damage .
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