Example sentences of "could not [verb] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 He stopped every now and then to listen to the patient lapping of the water , the light breeze in the leaves , scurries and sounds in the wood which he could not identify but which helped to reinforce the solitude he needed .
2 As an air-raid had just begun they could not leave and had to remain in an ambience where , as they now acutely realised , they were not wanted and did not belong .
3 I could not speak nor breathe , and fell on to the sofa .
4 She could not speak or understand much , and her character was greatly changed .
5 William Agnew , although he could not speak and relied entirely on sign language , was a forceful personality and moved about amongst the rich merchants of Glasgow .
6 Throughout his life , Agnew could not speak and relied entirely on sign language and fingerspelling , but was a highly articulate man — he penned a great number of articles in Scottish and national newspapers giving his views on the introduction of oralism into British schools .
7 He could not speak and he would not make any gesture that would show weakness .
8 ‘ I asked him why and he said because he could not talk or swallow , ’ she said at the time .
9 When she came to Calvary , ‘ she fell down because she could not stand or kneel , and rolled and wrested with her body , spreading her arms abroad ’ , because she had a vision , or hallucination , of the Crucifixion .
10 Creggan had never in his short life felt so desolate , and try as he did he could not rest and fall asleep .
11 Creggan could not rest or sleep , for out of the racing seas beneath their stance seemed to come troubled memories and images of a place where he once was , and eagles he once knew .
12 It became obvious to everyone that the Tournament could not continue and after another undue delay , the Earl of Eglinton announced that it was cancelled for the day .
13 In August 1988 , when W. was 12 , it was appreciated that this fostering arrangement could not continue and she and the other children were moved to new foster parents .
14 In what is believed to be the first case of its kind in Scotland , the teenager alleges that after more than a year of taunting and physical attack she could not continue and left the Royal High School .
15 The ship could not move and we were really in danger now .
16 But he could not move and , even if he had been able to , he knew that the Robemaker could fell him in a breath-space by sorcery .
17 Soon he could not move or speak , or open his eyes .
18 She could not move or speak .
19 This motive , which became prominent when inquisitorial methods waned and extra-judicial confessions became an important , and in many instances by far the most important , weapon in the prosecution 's armoury , was particularly weighty at a time when the accused could not rebut or explain away the confession by giving evidence on his own behalf .
20 Here at the bottom of the sky , I went with him in imagination by the rocks of the mind 's shore and I saw that the sky was thin and could not hold and my mind was set free .
21 The popular press could not compete and has been pushed more and more into the ‘ human interest ’ dimension , interviewing friends and relations of players , stoking up dressing-room feuds and seizing upon the sex lives of the young , virile , and wayward .
22 Instead of a telling-off , with time to put things right , TDC found itself under a much more strict court order with which it could not negotiate and which gave it little flexibility .
23 Burton put himself on trial , later on public trial , either because he was driven to it by a daemon he could not command or because he willed the daemon to come out and fight .
24 I could not sleep but lay on my back staring at the blackness , listening to the wind and one of the lads snoring .
25 I became very weak , I could not sleep or feel any hunger or desire to speak to anyone .
26 I could not sleep or eat .
27 I could not sleep and the pains started . ’
28 She could not sleep and , remembering that Ronald Travis would be on duty , decided to wait until her parents had gone to bed , then slip outside and go to the signal box to see her lover .
29 It was he who had given the alarm in the barn , for he could not sleep and at the sound of scratching had started up at once .
30 The questions he could not answer and could not ignore .
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