Example sentences of "could never be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps an organism as complex as a man could never be wholly impervious to the ravages of time .
2 Others continued to argue , as they had done before , and as they do today , that the indigent could never be adequately housed because they did not know how to live with cleanliness and decency .
3 Since the paint could never be easily matched , it discouraged her husband from buying a can of the original colour and touching up .
4 IN the thinking of the early Church , anyone who married could never be completely devoted to God because they had chosen to pledge part of their love and loyalty to their spouse .
5 It was an unforgettable painting ; it set a dense golden halo of light round the most trivial of moments , so that the moment , and all such moments , could never be completely trivial again .
6 The ‘ patchwork pieces ’ could never be economically viable because they took time to cut , arrange and bag , yet were never sold for more than a few pence .
7 Where the tip-off really came from could never be later established , except that it was a phone-in and anonymous .
8 She could never be just pretty ; she was , well , rather vivacious in a subdued sort of way . ’
9 It looks as if a false belief could never be indefeasibly justified since there would always be some truth ( even if only the negation of the false belief ) whose addition would destroy the justification .
10 What was more disturbing , and could never be truly exorcised , was the way a whole history of friendship , a lifetime of amity , could be nullified in a moment .
11 ‘ She could never be half as pretty .
12 True , with a firm the size of Stevenson 's , working on up to fifty contracts for a dozen or so companies , there could never be so dead a reckoning that the final moment could be named with certainty .
13 ‘ She could never be as good as our mother neither , ’ Dermot growled , his eyes blazing with hate for his sister .
14 They were actors in a world of secret agents , codenames and mysterious papers : a place where ordinary values and rules were possibly suspended , although they could never be quite sure of that .
15 Even though their losses forced them to merge before the end of the year , the assumptions on which TV had been organized could never be quite the same again .
16 She was sure — or almost sure — that they had never actually killed anyone , but you could never be quite sure in this world .
17 Whatever directions artists were to take after the war , it was already clear that painting could never be quite the same again .
18 Yet in their presence God was made and eaten all day long , and for that reason those people could never be quite like other people , and that was Catholicism .
19 As was explained in Chapter 1 , we could never be quite sure that we had indeed found the correct theory , since theories ca n't be proved .
20 Although the village people had almost forgotten her trouble , she decided she could never be really happy in Marlott .
21 No , lust was n't ugly ; many of her friends ' affairs and marriages were founded on mutual lust and a few had stayed that way , neither foundering nor developing into something richer and more complex ; but for her it could never be enough , even in the context of a mere beginning , and , after the depressing end of the relationship in Wellington , she knew that even if it had been allied to liking or affection , it still would n't have been enough .
22 But it did not take a sharp journalistic instinct to realise that for refugees — particularly young refugees — life could never be that simple .
23 Even as the thought came to the forefront of his mind , Alexei knew that it could never be that simple — that he was forced to conform to alien culture and alien reasoning .
24 And with a grey sense of certainty she knew she could never be that sure ever again .
25 People used to believe ( permit me this , one last one ) that once you activated the Capellan drive it could never be entirely deactivated again , not until it suffered ruin or physical destruction .
26 But however much they scrubbed to erase the past , the slate could never be entirely cleansed .
27 Yet , however easily accessible or however beneficial the judicial service provided to the king-duke 's Gascon subjects was , the possibility of appeal to the crown of France could never be entirely eliminated .
28 Nevertheless , the fact that Kaifu did not lead any of the LDP 's factions meant that he could never be entirely secure , as he remained vulnerable to the will of the party 's factional power-brokers .
29 Differences between the practice of Rome and the practice of separate , national churches could never be entirely removed .
30 As she had said to Julie when she 'd phoned her yesterday , even when returning to the office from a short holiday , in the fast-moving world of the City of London you could never be entirely sure that your desk would still be there !
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