Example sentences of "could n't [be] so " in BNC.

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1 She decided she could n't be so wrong twice in as many days .
2 But when I arrived at The St Chad 's Deanery Day for Stockport and discovered there was a group of 20 people aged from ten up to 19 , I thought that things could n't be so bad after all .
3 But deep down you also knew that it could n't be so simple .
4 I tried to persuade him that things could n't be so bad as the French paper made out or he would have been wired for .
5 Lili and I were silent and I wondered for a moment how I would be feeling if I was going to marry the man I loved — had loved , I amended in my mind , for surely even I could n't be so idiotic as to love still where I had met with such treachery .
6 So that they began to hint that I could n't be so very friendly if I was afraid to take them round to meet him .
7 I ought to have known I could n't be so lucky .
8 His own steps seemed enormous , he floated up the steps , swimming could n't be so difficult after all , particularly as he 'd become weightless .
9 It could n't be so important for her .
10 He could expect fawning adoration wherever he went — surely he could n't be so in need of blanket adulation that one heretic in the court could upset him ?
11 Coincidence could n't be so cruel , so twisted , could it ?
12 Surely he could n't be so insensitive ?
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