Example sentences of "could not [vb infin] up " in BNC.

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1 This was directly aimed at the ‘ surplus countries ’ , especially Japan and Germany , and was an attempt to bind them into a system where they could not pile up persistent surpluses .
2 She , in whom a natural clear spring of charm flowed vigorously , who expostulated , articulated and knew her own mind with commanding grace — in private , not in public of course ( before others who were not family , such confidence in a girl would seem an outrage ) — could not speak up now and tell Rosa what she felt .
3 She could not go up , only down .
4 By the time they had sat through two party political broadcasts and Chris Patten in TV evangelist mode , they could not stand up fast enough when the Prime Minister finally appeared .
5 Her balance was very poor ; she could not stand up on her own , because strong associated reactions would pull her left side over ; her left Achilles tendon was extremely tight ; her left shoulder was very painful ; her arm was pulled into a bent position , with the hand tightly closed in a fist ( flexor spasm ) ; she could hardly sit up straight because of the severe spastic muscle pull on the left side of her body ; her mother had to push Dawn everywhere in her wheelchair , and give her total nursing support .
6 Always , though , whether immediately or eventually , she would acquiesce , and I resented her acquiescence , not only because of its consequences for myself , but because I did n't understand why she , an adult , would not or could not stand up to him .
7 one is that i it may be that the old moral economy worked because the peasants recognized that , in a sense , that was the way they w well they , they could not stand up and criticize the landlord th the , the most they could do was to try and get the landlord to behave in a reasonable way , and that within that there would then be the sub-culture , the counter-culture of , of beginnings of mutual aid and what is happening in is in part that the communists are making them think the old moral economy work , but in part they are picking up on those sub- culture bits because the , the , the whole of mutual aid idea is , is coming from existing peasant cooperations .
8 Jenna did not have her mother 's memories , she could not conjure up his face , and she knew that this fact alone would haunt her if she stayed away .
9 And when the ship was caught , and could not bear up into the wind , we let her drive .
10 Hyperodapedon and other rhynchosaurs had a barrel-shaped body to accommodate a large gut for the slow digestion of plant material ; they could not grind up plant food with their teeth , but may have been able to ‘ ruminate ’ , like a modern cow .
11 Because of the ‘ unconvincing nature ’ of the compromise , he could not make up his mind whether he should apply for membership .
12 Other Hamlets have been as wrong-headed : Laurence Olivier 's of 1948 , perhaps , which charted ‘ the tragedy of a man who could not make up his mind ’ , or Grigori Konzintsev 's Marxist version of 1964 .
13 The Great War and those more recent conflicts were put together and ‘ paid-for ’ on behalf of politicians who could not make up their minds or bring the problems to the debating-table ; who preferred the shouting and smearing , the innuendo and hate for their opponents ' parties , to the welfare and the good of their people .
14 She could not make up her mind whether to risk wearing them for the competition .
15 Wellington could not make up its mind , so nominated both .
16 I could not make up my mind which was cause and which effect .
17 And when a half-page profile of Jean-Claude appeared in Le Nouvel Observateur I really could not make up my mind whether he was more genuinely displeased than pleased .
18 He could not make up his mind about Swayne .
19 They could not make up their minds whether they would like to live there .
20 Top-up arrangements are not permitted as part of a tender offer ( SAR 4.1(c) ) so the buyer could not make up the difference to shareholders who have already sold if a full bid on improved terms is made subsequently .
21 They were tired and ill and they could not walk up to the plateau .
22 For all their talk about the wisdom of the marketplace , the Thatcher government could not give up the paternalistic idea that they had to regulate the independent television companies , with the continuation of the Independent Broadcasting Authority in the guise of an Independent Television Commission .
23 She felt she could not give up totally , but settled for three or four slim cigars a day instead of ten to fifteen cigarettes .
24 One girl was a hard , chain-smoking sales machine letting me know I could not set up a multi-national congress without multi-national advertising .
25 For example , we could not set up an experiment to test the effect on young babies of being left in complete isolation , except for being fed regularly .
26 If the plaintiff was in possession at the time of the conversion , the defendant could not set up the jus tertii , unless he was acting under the authority of the true owner .
27 If this wife made such an application the husband could set up the fact of desertion as an answer to the claim , but he could not set up clause 3 as a bar to the proceedings .
28 You could not hunch up into the tree , hugging closer to the trunk .
29 I commented to Miklós that I had little hope of the New World solving the problems of the Old when it could not face up to its own difficulties .
30 The shapechanger could not face up to his failure ; with only five khthons left there would be no mass production of the drug .
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