Example sentences of "could be any [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Before there could be any school in Stockport , it was first necessary for the executors to purchase property which could then be legally transferred to the Goldsmiths ' Company .
2 Given that this was all well-known at the outset what utter fool would believe there could be any money to be made out of such a system .
3 Grunwick Photoprocessing could be any factory employing Asians in any part of Britain .
4 It seemed ridiculous that a newcomer like Gary could be any threat to a well-established house like Mattli .
5 At the time the thought never entered our heads that there could be any doubt about this , and it is certain that the effect on morale throughout the country was tremendous , especially as for months at a time the war news from other parts of the world was usually bad .
6 It was quite difficult to believe that there could be any animation in them .
7 I , I 've just suggested Wednesday , it could be any day now
8 The merged ‘ Norfolk and Suffolk Polled ’ could be any colour as long as it was polled and it was not until the Red Poll herdbook was formed in 1874 that the colour of the breed was formally agreed as red , preferably deep in colour , with a red udder ; white touches were permitted only in the tail switch , or on the udder and just in front of the udder on the inside flank .
9 It could be any animal .
10 There was nowhere to park the car , and that solved any uncertainty about how to handle the parting ; before she slid out she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek like a schoolyard dare , and was gone before there could be any reaction .
11 I told myself it could be any bedroom , and the woman any woman , but even in Robert 's blurred , shadowy style it was unmistakable , and Marie Claire 's back recognisable .
12 There could be any number of reasons . ’
13 It could be any number of things .
14 ‘ I 'm sure Dr Blake will agree , there could be any number of reasons — is n't that so , Dr Blake ? ’
15 A modern definition of a herb could be any plant , generally aromatic or fragrant , whose parts , whether leaf , flower , seed or root , are of use in food flavouring , medicine , household and cosmetics .
16 And a secondment could be any length of time from a day to a week or more .
17 The individualised young men and women in the advertisements are single , and hence available , but could be any class , even classless .
18 Could be any planet , right .
19 The gun was a genuine late-Victorian revolver ( another anachronism in a film so full of them that its period could be any time between 1700 and 1900 ) .
20 ‘ It could be any time .
21 So any time a supervisor appears , which could be any time , you might get a token , okay ?
22 Could be any time now , we 're just waiting tha Mr explained to him this morning , you know , why it , it ta takes so long
23 For the exclusively breast-fed baby , it could be any food .
24 It could be any source of information within that application .
25 Similarly , it is difficult to see how there could be any circulation of the blood in a two-dimensional creature .
26 This is Salisbury Plain , but for the fighting men of the Glosters , it could be any trouble spot , anywhere in the world .
27 It could be any animals .
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