Example sentences of "could also [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They could also choose to maintain barriers to trade , to investment and to other financial transactions with the outside world .
2 However , the teacher had not initially understood the request completely and the acquiescence with regard to going outdoors had led Sherman to believe that he could also go see the gorillas .
3 You could also go to Relate ( formerly Marriage Guidance ) , which sees individuals as well as couples .
4 If , as intimated earlier , the proportion of asymptomatic recurrences was greater in the active treatment group , this could also lead to bias , and underestimation of the frequency of cisapride recurrences relative to placebo .
5 Perhaps it could also mean loving a man who was n't there and did n't deserve to be loved .
6 Getting that information released could also mean appealing to the highest courts .
7 It could also mean having to import larger volumes of special grades of coal those sites produced .
8 It could also pay to go for the next larger filter if your pond is alternatively stocked .
9 DEC VAX machines have a large scientific software base and could also continue to carry out the accounting functions ,
10 They were vertebrates that learned to live out of water paradoxically so that they could also continue to live in water .
11 The above ‘ spare time ’ could also include re-activating the full 39 Squadron Association Membership .
12 And he could also apply to go to and take a course of , of instruction on or a trade to learn a trade .
13 We had one free day each week — any one of our choice — and we could also elect to work for twelve days consecutively and then have two days off .
14 He could also afford to offer her a great deal of money for her share in this house , enough to tempt anyone .
15 They could also seek to express their views by searching out a friendly bishop to speak for them in the debates .
16 But she could also have written one of the following , which can more readily be considered variants of the original : [ 8 ] The discreet door closed with a click .
17 The consecration of his new basilica on the anniversary of Assandun and the erection of a church on the battlefield could also have owed something to Danish interest .
18 One feature alone redeems the book , namely that it illustrates many works which have rarely been reproduced since the original publication of the albums by Redon , though we could also have hoped that the quality of the reproductions were a little better .
19 That is why , if the stock exchange had built Taurus many years ago , as promised , it could also have ensured the earlier abolition of stamp duty .
20 Theoretically she could also have told Fiona on the telephone who could have told Nolan or Lewis , but it was n't the sort of item one would naturally bother to pass on .
21 She could also have told this was Tina 's mother before Mrs Darne went off down the passage that led to the Headmaster 's Flat .
22 Georgina 's father says that boy could also have died and the law must be tightened up .
23 He could also have taken into account , if he was aware of it , that the effect of requiring an undertaking in damages from the council would be to cause the collapse of the law enforcement process in this area of law ; and further that the enforcement of the law was not merely desirable as such in the public interest , but that small retailers could well suffer if large retailers such as Wickes were able to continue to trade with impunity during a significant period in contravention of what might well prove to be a perfectly valid law .
24 All relate to ecclesiastical estates ( church archives have far better chances of survival ) , but there is fragmentary evidence for similar surveys on royal estates too , and it seems fair to suppose that lay landlords could also have had them made .
25 Arsenal could also have had a penalty when Campbell went crashing down as Forrest challenged him in the box for a Wright through-pass , but the referee dismissed their claims .
26 As viewers of this scene we could also have deduced something about the relationship between John and Mary from the way they were sitting together and the way they looked at each other .
27 A free-kick by Bracewell , their inspirational captain , could also have produced rich dividends for Sunderland .
28 This incident was an isolated one , but it served to highlight the overlap between the possible measures of performance that had been considered ; an undetected error not only slowed down the payment of the expenses , but could also have bought into question the honesty of the individual and thus affected the status of the section head .
29 In addition , divided catalogues or separate classified catalogues could also have acted as a deterrent to subject searching .
30 ‘ Hitherto , when auditors changed , the standards of auditing could also have changed .
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