Example sentences of "could [vb infin] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He gives me the address of a boarding house he could stay at in Earls Court .
2 The only place she could disappear into in that space of time was Marshall 's cottage .
3 All I could think about at the time was keeping this lady happy .
4 The poor girl had gone off to her camp before she had formulated any hypotheses ; she had no idea as to what theory or concepts her work was to throw new light on , and so , to be on the safe side , she had recorded everything she could think of over a period of about six weeks and her notebooks practically filled a medium-sized suitcase .
5 The most obvious , though inadequate , analogy I could think of for my situation was to be a light-skinned black person who identified with white people all her life , who had ‘ passed ’ as a white person for years and who had suddenly discovered the reality of Black Power .
6 These are the limestone arres , and as unwelcoming a site as you could think of for a new resort .
7 The only other reason Miranda could think of for her failure to get Adam to the altar was her success ; she knew that while many women were attracted to a man by his status , many men saw a successful businesswoman as a direct competitor .
8 I did everything I could think of with Anna .
9 Richie was the only person he could think of with the necessary clout .
10 There could be no answer to that , none that I could think of at the time .
11 No they do n't , but it was the only accent I could think of at the time .
12 It sold almost everything you could think of except cigarettes .
13 I had invited everyone I could think of to tea , and we had been invited back , but it was not her style , and when she complained that it was not right for her ‘ to be living among all these old people ’ I understood very well what she meant .
14 It was the only Italian name I could think of in a hurry and I did n't have the nerve to put on the right accent to go with it . ’
15 ‘ I see , ’ was all Sabine could think of in reply .
16 The implied value of this being that like the sixties social realist films , such as Saturday Night and Sunday Morning ( 1960 ) and This Sporting Life ( 1963 ) , it was a film that working-class people could relate to on an emotional level because ‘ it so closely resembles aspects of your own life ’ .
17 Erm it 's erm this is people or stories but a based again I 'm sure when y as you read through you 'll probably find quite a lot of the erm little things that they 're giving you here you could relate to in your own life , either for yourself or for other people that you know .
18 This was no ordinary passer-by , someone she could appeal to for help .
19 There were at least three Senators he could count on for verbal support , if nothing more .
20 Castro 's declaration had the immediate effect of widening the gap between himself and the people who were against socialism , and it narrowed the circle of those he could count on for support against the invasion .
21 This had been of something more than philosophical interest to Karen and I in our pre-coital phase , since it meant that we could count on at least a minute thirty seconds before he reappeared , or as much as three minutes forty-five seconds if we heard the seat go down for a big jobby .
22 Imagine , for a moment , that you had a single , reliable , authoritative source you could count on to help you solve many of your software development problems .
23 So the total number of biomorphs that we could jump to in a single step is 19 times itself 9 times over : 19 to the power 9 .
24 In his autobiographical reminiscences with the Viennese critic Franz Endler , Karajan has explained why , for all its youthful brilliance , the Philharmonia was not an orchestra he felt he could grow with beyond a certain point .
25 That 's probably just what your aching body could do with after 26.2 miles — weightlessness !
26 This is the operation that plant workers decided they could do without on the morning of the accident .
27 There are excrescences one could do without on this side of the town .
28 Whatever she could look for in the future must be looked for outside marriage .
29 When Xerox first embarked on benchmarking it helped that it had a Japanese partner , Fuji Xerox , that it could look to for information about Japanese practices .
30 I told her I wanted something I could look at on days when it was too hot to have a fire . ’
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