Example sentences of "could [pers pn] [vb infin] your " in BNC.

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1 Could I tell your listeners a little bit about the good news that 's in the budget , because we 've talked we 've focused on the minuses so far , but there 's a lot of plusses as well .
2 ‘ Gerald , ’ he began slowly , ‘ if there were something fishy , and I were to tell you , could I trust your discretion ? ’
3 Could I have your number ?
4 I remember once I was on the steps of a hotel in Liverpool , and a middle-aged woman wearing a maroon coat came up and said , ‘ Hey , George , you know I 've always loved you , could I have your autograph ? ’
5 Could I have your name please ?
6 Could I have your autograph ? ’
7 Could I have your name please ?
8 Could I have your husband 's name please ?
9 Could I have your name ?
10 Could you give your name please , colleague ?
11 Now could you give your current name , rank and station ?
12 But you can imagine running your household on that kind of a system , supposing you got the whole food basket , and supposing it was adequate , could you make your children eat the same thing day after day , after day after day .
13 Could you move your arm out please ?
14 Could you move your
15 Could you change your class if it were really
16 Could you return your comments by Monday 10 November ; please do n't trouble to reply if you are happy with your text as we will assume no reply means that it is satisfactory .
17 Ah could you print your name
18 Could you pass your plate please ?
19 How could you simplify your life , to create time and space for what really matters to you ?
20 For those tha who are not to familiar with , the initials P P G , it stands for planning policy guidance , and there are a whole series of these guidance notes produced by the Department of the Environment for the er advice guidance of , well not only the local planning authorities but anyone else who is interested in the development business , and they are expressions of , I suppose government policy , er and their attitudes towards various aspects , whether it 's countryside , housing , trans or transport , and they do pro provide a useful backcloth , in fact an extremely valuable backcloth to the way in which er this matter should be considered , erm I know from the submission which North Yorkshire County Council have used they would say that the fact they have n't had regard to all this er , but I would like to carry on the discussion against that background , and could you direct your thinking at this stage about the need for a new settlement in the light of the principles spelt out in P P G three and particularly paragraph thirty three .
21 Could you take your coats off please and come into the blue room .
22 Could you find your way in , do you think ?
23 And could you , could you say your name and
24 When you er , ask a question first time could you , could you say your name and the organization that you represent .
25 You , dear Ruth , with your successful company , your beauty , your intelligence , how could you let your sensibility come up with the very idea that Maria Luisa 's baby is mine ? ’
26 And how could you buy your kid New Balance trainers when everyone is wearing Reeboks right now ?
27 Could you believe your eyes when you saw that gun ?
28 Well , I 've got , if you you just bear with me a moment , I still have one foot dragging in H one , but I thought we 'd got to the stage where in order to try and clarify thinking on the matter we ought to progress onto H two , erm , that just let me reveal the thinking , erm that , before I do that can I just say in terms of mechanics those of you who have just joined us for the first time , could you turn your name boards round so I can see them , thank you , and when you want to come in the normal practice is to put your name board on end , so it will attract our attention .
29 Could you pick your stuff up then Natalie my love .
30 Could you keep your voice up please Mrs ?
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