Example sentences of "could [adv] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 middle-class people , rich people , go elsewhere ; they go and see their GP , they have a wider network of people that they could perhaps draw on ; and if they do n't they have the nine-to-five freedom from their children , the release from the pressures of having kids around ; they have boarding schools which are a legitimate way of getting rid of our children if you have the money to do it .
2 Hareton inherited nothing from his father , and could only stay on at Wuthering Heights as a servant , working for the man who had been his father 's enemy .
3 A rule book from the hospital in 1917 said all patients had to be discharged within four weeks of admission and could only stay on if absolutely necessary .
4 But they admit that these babies had not achieved complete and independent toileting as they could only hold on to their eliminations for a few minutes and needed help to undress and get on the potty .
5 And as everything slipped away she could only hold on to the thought that somehow her murderer knew who she was .
6 We could only carry on like this for so long , and it all depended on how well we could sleep during the day .
7 He was committed and could only stumble on .
8 United manager Alex Ferguson could only look on enviously .
9 For years she could only look on and sympathise with Lady Spencer as the ‘ spiteful stepmother ’ stories about her grew unchecked .
10 At my tender age , I could only look on .
11 Manager Alan Lockwood was forced to bring in a number of young faces and he could only look on agonisingly as they struggled against more experienced golfers in gusting winds .
12 Nicholson wanted to loiter with the man who — in his eyes — could pluck with ease a flower he could only look on at a distance .
13 From the 1760s , moreover , some of the British secretaries of embassy in Paris and Madrid were also accredited as minister plenipotentiary : they could thus carry on the business of the mission quite effectively in the absence of its head .
14 LESSONS could soon carry on all year at Darlington College of Technology in a bid to make education available to people from different walks of life .
15 It 's always the programmer — it 's very , very seldom the computer — and if I could just go on for a minute , I feel it 's essential that young children , particularly in the primary schools , get used to using hardware and programing , so that they will see the computer as part of their normal lives , like reading and writing and anything else they use .
16 If you could just hold on to them my son wid pick them up when he 's hame .
17 Then I could just get on with living . ’
18 We could easily move on to a project exploring other aspects of Victorian England .
19 Thus a query and its settlement could easily drag on for hours .
20 Since it was the only nationwide law enforcement agency when McKinley got killed in 1901- making three presidential assassinations in forty years — it was the only group that could easily take on the job of bodyguarding future presidents .
21 Do you do you think erm your father when he started the shop in twenty six , would ever imagined that it could possibly go on to the the end of the century ?
22 In the first place , the mass media are ‘ so deeply embedded in the [ political ] system that without them political activity in its contemporary forms could hardly carry on at all ’ .
23 So what is incorporated in there , is the minimum that you could ever survive on in terms of running a totally enabling authority .
24 Such events , however , were not very frequent — a whole year might pass without one — and so the only additional earnings he could usually rely on were his winnings at the weekly bridge school .
25 But they could also switch on a constitutional warning light about future treaties , as yet unwritten , calling for still closer European integration .
26 He had a lot to learn about operating methods from the people on the shop floor , but he could also pass on to them the fruits of his university education .
27 Well , my , my memory right , you go down into , into like a , the ground floor and the top of the , like the bottom of the next floor is about that sort of height , but there is a wall up there sort of thing , which erm , I , I must , which you could probably get on .
28 Well I could I could er I could probably take on that task if you wish , cos it 's easy enough to actually write letters to people , cos I can just ask my secretary to do that .
29 She said she was going to make a Will saying they could both stay on , without paying rent , as long as they wanted to .
30 You could both stay on in your respective jobs .
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