Example sentences of "could [verb] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , he could modify his model by supposing that the gradient has its high point at the back edge of each segment , and that bristles point up the slope , and it would work just as well .
2 Whilst accepting that this is an oversimplification of a process that includes a sophisticated method of calculating relative costs ( ie the weighted factors ) , it nonetheless indicated how the further education process could be improved , assuming that Colleges could enhance their income level once the majority of constraints on local operations were removed .
3 Worker bees are three times more closely related to their full sisters than to their half sisters , so workers could enhance their fitness by raising a full sister as the new queen when the colony swarms .
4 If I owe a client a duty to increase the value of his investment portfolio then if I fail to take action which could enhance its value I am positively harming my client 's interests .
5 Hundreds of children are being forced to stay at home because its feared high winds could damage their school buildings .
6 The things they could learn could damage their nature in its essence .
7 Thus , whilst women who smoke may know that smoking could damage their health , there is no evidence that they experienced smoking as having any immediate impact on their self-perceived strength and fitness .
8 Medical advice is that men who drink more than 21 units a week and women who drink more than 14 units could damage their health .
9 THE brand new cars that are two years old , slimmers ' meals that are full of fat , holidays at the seaside that could damage your health .
10 writing to me could damage your health .
11 Marketing their clubs as exclusive establishments with a championship-standard course and a five star hotel-standard clubhouse , the money men felt they could pitch their joining fee at £10,000 or £25,000 and even charge £1,000 annual dues on top .
12 More importantly , the weakness of such pure positivism is that it detaches law from any rationale which could explain its bindingness .
13 It has been suggested that seasonal migrations could explain their presence , but this hypothesis is untenable .
14 Millimetres in size , perhaps interstitial in sediments , their inability to fossilize or leave obvious traces could explain their absence from Proterozoic rocks .
15 What else could explain her presence now , in his car ?
16 But so far — and this may be what you 're driving at — we have n't found evidence of anything that could explain her murder . ’
17 The case , heard in February 1929 , revealed that , since his association with Arsenal began in 1910 , Sir Henry had placed some £15,000 of his own money at the club 's disposal ( a bounty which could explain his campaign against rising transfer fees ) .
18 Has he asked them how this initiative could affect their livelihood .
19 The opening up of BBC and ITV to independent producers and the ending of closed shops is already undermining the power of those who work within broadcasting : this could affect their ability to influence content , and also the training and employment practices of the broadcasting institutions .
20 The RTC , on the other hand , said in court papers that such a decision could affect its ability to recover money on behalf of failed thrifts .
21 As explained in Chapter 8 , the NAI addresses the needs of people ; in the context of the FAOR package , it is concerned with clarifying the interests and preferences of those who will use any designed office system , and how they could affect its success .
22 NEVER write on the will itself , or attach anything to it ( even with a paper clip ) as this could affect its validity in the future .
23 At this point in the exercise , the use of the instruments had revealed a number of factors in terms of the requirements of the IPS , and the problems that could affect its implementation and effectiveness .
24 It 's the sort of fruitless post-mortem that bridge-players do but the point of the incident is that it showed the extent to which Hunt 's temper could affect his judgement , for in motor racing , as Nigel Mansell was to find out a decade later , to lose one 's cool harms only oneself .
25 ‘ My doctor thinks it 's rheumatoid arthritis , ’ she gasped , as Juliet and Jill Herbert helped her into bed , ‘ but I did n't think it could affect your chest like this .
26 It is important that this form is completed accurately ; if you fail to do so and , in particular , if you conceal any medical condition which could affect your work , your continued employment could be placed at risk .
27 Few people relish the though of a visit to the dentist , but neglecting your horse 's teeth could affect your riding and the horse 's condition and comfort .
28 He also has to check that there are no major road or other Local Authority plans that could affect your property .
29 This authority is taking a somewhat different view to that public inquiry than the erm the highways authority er after shire hill er erm so I I think if we were to take a decision tonight it could affect our position at the public inquiry adversely er and I would not want us to get into that situation so I think to some extent er councillor timing on this motions is wrong and we should n't be be er discussing it now .
30 But the prospects that the North-west economy might not be as buoyant next year could affect our performance in 1990 . ’
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