Example sentences of "its [adj] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A debate even begins about whether the army is not getting a little trigger-happy in its nervous and no doubt terrified tension .
2 For example it is well known that asthma and eczema are linked but what is frequently overlooked is the way that a person 's asthma can be bad at a time when their eczema is quiet and their eczema can be its worst when the asthma is quiet .
3 In 1272 the see of Canterbury was vacant and the pope provided the Dominican prior-provincial , Robert Kilwardby , an academic theologian , after setting aside both the chapter 's choice of its prior and the king 's favourite , Robert Burnell .
4 I thinking about it over erm er coffee sir , I I I think the answer is an adder erm because its smaller than an elephant , it 's indigenous to the United Kingdom , it blends into the landscape , but if you ignore it it could be just as injurious to your health .
5 Gloucester against Bridgend … that 's the game tonight … its more than a run out too … next week the cherry and whites are back in the first division fight at Northampton … but no chance of planning ahead six first teamers are missing
6 Recombinants ‘ oligo I ’ and ‘ oligo III ’ were produced by cloning the sequence CTGGGGAGGCGACCCCTCCCCCCTTGTCCCGACT ( nts -527 to -494 ) and its complementary or the oligonucleotide TCGCCCAGCTCAGGGCCGCGTGTGTTAGTT ( nts -479 to -450 ) and its complementary at the HindIII site of plasmid pBLcat2 ( 16 ) .
7 There must be a clear statement in its ultimate that no EEC body , Council , Commission or Court , shall be able to override legislation passed by national parliaments .
8 The bureaucracy , according to this line of analysis , exercises neither class power of its own nor the power of classes to which it is affiliated .
9 DSRM are in the Auckland District League , 100 years old this year and planning a bunfight of its own before the summer 's out .
10 A swivelling , vinyl-covered bucket seat is provided for the navigator : this takes a little getting used to at sea ( perhaps the fitting of a cramp lock would overcome this criticism ) , but it really comes into its own when the yacht is in harbour and the navigation station becomes part of the living area .
11 Finance of any resulting centre was on a one-for-one basis , the ILEA matching expenditure of school funds by a grant of its own if the advice and guidance of its support team was carried out i practice .
12 But immediately Hilton makes it clear that such a life-style involves an active life of its own if the peace that is sought is to be found , for it may not be had : This has been defined earlier as : Such an active component of spiritual endeavour is a concomitant of man 's temporal nature .
13 In the example of the paperclip business it is important to know whether the vendor has its own or an external design team .
14 Headache may be on its own or the forerunner of other complaints ; it accompanies almost all other illnesses .
15 The Dobermann really came into its own as a domestic dog in the 1980s and , subsequently , far too many were bred .
16 The government then developed a momentum of its own as a focus of loyalty that ran against the party system .
17 The business was established quickly and holding its own as the country plunged into recession .
18 It seemed to have a life of its own as the needle ate up the cloth .
19 The trolley also had a mind of its own and a tendency to advance crablike , sideways .
20 Umberto Eco 's magisterial novel The Name of the Rose ( 1983 ) , for example , plays on the dialectic between the reader 's curiosity about the medieval world and his/her almost total ignorance of it ( funnelled , as Eco explains in his Reflections on the novel , through the observations of the novice Adso ( Eco 1985 : 33–4 ) ; between the sense that the historical world ( the abbey and the cultural and religious context of the time ) is a world of its own and the sense that it is connected to the world of the reader .
21 Every sort of love has a value of its own and the wonderful thing is that there is a limitless supply if we care to call upon it .
22 The federation broke up in 1964 and David said : ‘ Zambia decided to continue a service of its own and the finger of fate pointed at me .
23 Each function embraces three vertical columns , the centre one on its own and the other two shared with the other functions .
24 Each function embraces three vertical columns , the centre one on its own and the other two shared with the other functions .
25 The number of students on CNAA courses was increasing rapidly , and exceeding its own and the institutions ' forecasts .
26 In an extreme case such as the Yorkshire estate village of Thrybergh the squire 's hall was in a class of its own and the parsonage was far superior to the rest .
27 Henley hosts conferences to report research outcomes from both its own and the wider academic community .
28 If that does not work , then the internal complaints procedure comes into its own and the dissatisfied client should be referred to another member of the firm ( possibly the senior partner ) or , though this perhaps will rarely be encountered , someone outside the firm who has been nominated to deal with such matters .
29 The KC-400 Brush Pen range offers attractions of its own and an ample colour range for the serious user .
30 This Report has argued that music can have a life of its own and an ability to communicate without the support of words .
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